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~Just parked~




We finally arrived! Thank goodness!!!

It was a... Chuck-E-Cheese...

"Austin? Why are we at Chuck-E-Cheese?"

"I thought maybe for a small date?"

Well, I guess that was a good reason?

We entered the kid-filled-jam-packed area and got ourself stamped. Austin took out his wallet and snagged a 20 dollar bill out so he could buy us tokens. At least 50 tokens came out. He put it into a cup and we went to the place where we could take pictures.

We both sat in the little airplane-car-thingy and took our picture. It took about 2 minutes to print. Only one picture came out though, so Austin put in another token and we kissed when the picture was snatched. A group of kids nearby coo'd 'ews' and 'Ahh! They're kissing!!' We ignored them though.

"I want to keep this one!" I shouted pointing to the one of us kissing.

"Okay. I'll keep the other." He looked at the one he was going to keep which was the one where we were both hugging each other and making a heart sign with our hands. Each of our hands were half of the heart.

We went to play ski ball, walking slowly over there, hand in hand. Unexpectedly, Austin kissed the top of my head while walking, me leaning into his shoulder.

"I love you," Austin murmured into my ear.

I was blushing, "I love you more."

He chuckled, "I don't think that's possible."




~~Playing Ski Ball~


I was losing. My ski ball skills were nothing compared to Austin's. He had 3000 points, and I had.. 650..Haha, I'm an embarrassment.

We finished throwing the little round ski-ball-balls, and collected our tickets. I quickly counted all my tickets I received which was 11, and Austin had about 50 or 60 tickets.

"Haha! I won suckah!"

"I'm not a braggart though!!"

He began running away to go to the ticket eater so he could enter his tickets in, and get a receipt, so it'd be easier to carry. He got exactly 72 tickets. And as I guessed, I had 11.

We went to play some basketball.

Obviously, I was going to lose since Austin's favorite sport is basketball and he's more into than me. Our first time playing, I made 3 shots, and he got every single ball in. Shocker. Haha, in the end, he got 40 tickets, and I got 10 tickets.


I am such a loser.

I think he felt bad for me since we played only one machine.. the one I was in front of. The balls were released and he said, "Pick one up.."

I did as told. He was right behind me. I can smell and taste his minty breath behind me. He held my arms, and shot the ball into the basket. He made it in. But I wasn't paying attention I was lost in "Ausanne" land thinking about how his arms were wrapped around mine.

He picked up another ball, his arms still around mine and shot the ball. We were so coupley. I love that...

I didn't notice that he finished shooting all the balls, and he was just hugging me from behind. My eyes were closed, and his head was buried into my neck.

After a couple minutes, he picked up his head, and released me. He kissed my neck before doing so and then grabbed the tickets we received. He skipped like a child to the ticket-eater and entered in our tickets receiving a receipt in return. In total so far, we had 145 tickets.

He chose to go this machine where he can press down a lever and get tickets. It was like a big wheel which a bunch of numbers. Austin entered in a token and was about to press down the lever, but before he said, "Push down with me." He smiled, and I did so.

We pushed down together and waited for the wheel to stop turning. It landed on 10 which means we earned 10 tickets. Austin seemed determined to get more, so he put in another token, and told me to push down the lever with me. I did, we both did it hard, and the lever finally stopped. It looked like it was going to stop on the 15 mark. In a matter of seconds we heard a loud noise. We covered our ears, and looked up.

Turns out that we actually got 1000 tickets!!!! Austin started jumping up and down, watching closely as the tickets dispursed from the machine. He grabbed the tickets and went to the ticket eater.

We had too many tickets. LOL..





Author's Note:

Hey! I've been slacking off on writing for this fanfiction. Ugggh. Okay, well I started a new fan fiction! It's called 'Nerdy Love'. I've only written the first chapter though. Well go find it in my works! ((: And vote and comment it!!



AHHHH!!! NERDY LOVE <3 ...with Marcel <3 Uyy! He's just so adorable in Best Song Ever!!! ((:

I don't know how many tickets you get when playing ski ball, and I don't know how much it costs for tokens but whatevah!


I thought this chapter was cute and adorable and how they are both like 17 and playing at Chuck-E-Cheese. Aha, lol. They are so cute, romantic and childish.

And vote on this one please!!! (: And pleeasee comment! ^^ Okay, I love you Lelovers!


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