Wrecking Ball

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So, it's been about 20 minutes since I've been kidnapped but, I'm not worried at all. I already know who it is, but I just don't know why.

"Hello?! Paul! Let me out!"

No answer. Yes, Paul is the kidnapper. He's such an idiot. He's done it to be before, so I know how it feels.


It was dark out. I was near an alley. Wait, something is grabbing my face. What?! Is!? HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!

-Flashback Ends--

Ugh! This is so wronnnngggg! Why is everything bad happening now!?!!?!?!

When the car finally stopped, my head jolted forward almost hitting my head on the car door.

The door opened leading me to looking at a man with a mask on. Oh.

"Uhm, when can I go home?"

"Darling. You are home."

You're such a creep Paul.

How did I get stuck with this whacko?

That familiar voice was stuck in my head. 'You are home." It kept replaying in my voice. But it wasn't until then that I realized Paul had a different shade of eyes. They weren't a light green blue. This guy had a different shade of eyes. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

He dragged me out of the car, bringing me into a house. It was a familiar house. My arms were sore from being dragged. I tried massaging them into a better state, but it wasn't really working. I really hope I can leave. I really need to talk to Austin. I feel a tad bad for just leaving him alone.

I mean, he just said he needs to leave for the tour. The worst part is he leaves so soon. He didn't even have the decency to tell me a weeek advanced. He had to keep it secret. And when our relationship was just getting serious. Well, I don't know if it was serios, serious. But it sure did feel like it. I mean, I know that I haven't dated a guy really, and I'm sure I don't know what love is. I know this is what it feels like. Does he feel it to?

When we're together, I feel totally different. I need to act different around Rebecca and Claire but when we're together I just feel normal. Like I don't need to act as anyone but me.

I need him in my life, I don't know. Maybe I'm overexaggerating but I honestly wish that I was maybe, possibly with Austin right now.

Where is he right now? He's probably still at Denny's. I don't know anymore.

How am I thinking about this right now when I'm being KIDNAPPED!? It's crazy.

Okay, I honestly need to think about getting out of here.

I knew this house.

This was the house my grandparents use to live in. Whenever my mom and dad fought, my parent used to take me here so I'd be able to focus on school and not on their constant arguing.

I miss my grandparents. But yet again, they were the people that convinced my mom to break up the marriage. So, in a way I blamed them for all my problems. If my parents were still together, I bet I could've been with happier parents in the end and I would't have ended up with Paul.

Tears started forming in my eyes. Where's my superhero?

I knew today could be the end. I just know it. The end of Austin and I, the end of my relationships with everyone I know. Everything. Everything is going to come to an end.

Everything is wrecking me. Why couldn't I just die that day I started cutting? Why. Why. Oh god, why?

I have never felt so much pain in one day. Sure, Paul insults me and bosses me around but I'd take that any day over anything that has happened today.

And it's crazy! Austin and I were having such a FUN time in the hotel but everything went downhill so fast.

I was pushed onto a wooden chair. As I looked around, everything was how it was before. Old and antique. The furniture, the walls, the kitchen, doors. Everything. The only thing different is there are no spider webs. The windows seemed as if they were freshly cleaned and pretty. Someone has been here.

Two men finally came out of the bathroom.

Hm? Going together is a tad strange and totally throws off their epic entrance.

And two men? I thought it was only one.

I saw one. The same one who has the eye color of Paul. His eyes daggered into my tearing up ones.

Author's Note:

Oh my gossshhh! I am so terribly sorry that I haven't updated in a while, that's what school does to you :(

I'll TRY updating tomorrow. Okay?

Listen to Wrecking Ball by Miley<3 I love that song! And I kind of put the 'My life sucks' kind of thing in there because I know some people have it hard, and if you ever need anything just PM (private message) me, and I'll help you. You're never alone. Someone in the world loves you. Okay. Just keep swimming

-lelaaailove Xx

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