Chapter 8.

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A familiar voice cut Dan short, Xavier appeared, surprised, my tears vanished.

"W-why are you?!"

"I got a call telling me that you hadn't come home yet, so I came to pick you up, what are you doing?"

"I wanted some time to myself"

"Have you forgotten what I said about the possibility of danger to you?"

"I don't see how I could be in any danger" Xavier put his lips close to my ear and whispered quietly.

"It seems you have no idea what it means.. To be my wife, you are in breach of contract with me"

"Easy there, Xavier" Dan interrupted our discussion. "Anyway, I'm surprised that you come to pick up your wife"

"Yes, I'm surprised a little, too" Xavier seemed annoyed at Dan and Tom, who looked to be enjoying themselves.

"Excuse us but, I'm taking her home"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Lets go" He pulled my arm roughly, I left with Xavier as he dragged me along behind him.

Xavier didn't utter a single word on the way home or after returning me to my room, he remained quietly grumpy.


"Why are you crying in front of another man"


"What did Dan say to you?"

"It has nothing to do with you"

"Yes, it does, you're my wife"

"I just wanted to cry a little"

"So you cry in front of another man?" Xavier firmly held my chin up. "Tell me, why were you crying" My eyes began to fill with tears.

"I was.. Sad"


"I was sad because, you said you would never love me"

"You knew from the beginning that our marriage is merely a contract"

"I thought I did... But, I feel sad for you" Xavier seemed a bit distressed by what I said, I had never seen him look like that.

"It's not worth being sad"

"It is worth it... But I don't mean to cause you trouble"

"You misunderstand me"


"It's not that you are good or bad, it's not that I don't like you.. It's that I can't like you"

"What do you mean?" Xavier remained quiet in response to my question, his eyes stared at me.

He didn't want me to ask about that, did he? I accidentally glanced at Xavier's neck, this is.. I touched Xavier's neck gently.

"Is this.. A love bite?" His skin there was slightly discolored, the tears I was holding back, began to roll down my cheeks.

"Well, maybe a customer did it, don't get so upset about such a thing, I work at a nightclub, it'll happen" He pushed away my hand grumpily.

"Even though...?"


"Even though you won't touch me at all?"

"Emily.." I didn't even know what I was saying, my lips moved and the words came pouring out.

"When you kiss me, it's only to show it to people around us" I had noticed, Xavier never kissed me while we were alone, he did it in front of people to show that we were a married couple.

I knew from the start... It was all in the contract, we would be married for 3 months because it served his purposes, it was all just an act. He gently took my arm as I continued to cry.

"Xav..." I couldn't finish calling his name because his kiss covered my lips, it was gentle and comforting, it barely lasted a moment but it felt like a long time.

"Don't misunderstand"


"I don't hate you"


"Yes" Xavier looked very uncomfortable as he talked, I watched that expression closely, he was silent a moment, then started again.

"Even though I have no illusions about our relationship, I wouldn't ask a girl I dislike to marry me, I will never say this again, so listen carefully."


"At first, I thought that it would be enough to have you fill in the marriage forms just to put us in the records" Maybe it was my imagination but.. It looked like Xavier was blushing a little.

"But along the way, I changed my mind, I wanted to have you around me"

"Is that.."

"I don't know if this is love or not"

"You don't know...?"

"I have never once trusted a woman since I was born, trust.. May not be the right word, I have never believed in love, maybe that's why I can't love anybody" His grip on me tightened." But I don't hate you.. And.. I'm beginning to feel like I might be able to trust you now"

"Xavier.." He stroked my head with his big hand, it was a rough gesture but I felt the tightness in my chest.



"Don't cry in front of other men"


"Seeing tears on your face will tempt them, so don't cry in front of any man at all, except for me!"

"If I do cry..?"

"You will be punished" He said it with a grin, I realized, I liked that expression. "Only I can make you cry"

Saying that, Xavier kissed me.

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