Chapter 9.

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"You're late"

"Ah... G-Good morning.."

The next morning... Soon after coming out of my room, I saw Xavier.

"Did you oversleep?"

"Y-yes.." I had a hard time falling asleep last night, the conversation between Xavier and I continued to rumble around in my head.

"Xavier, are you going to work?"

"I'm heading out now"

"Have a great day!"

"Uh huh" He lightly waved goodbye and left.

After yesterday, I felt the distance between Xavier and I had shrunk a bit, but there was still something that troubled me. I have never once trusted a woman since I was born, what did he mean exactly? And also, what was with that love bite... He said that a customer did it, is it true?

"Ms. Emily, are you okay with the time?"

"Oh darn! I should get going!"
Startled and perplexed, I ran out of my house.

I slept in, so I had no time to be spacing out.

"Do you need a ride?"

"No! I'll be fine!" It happened just as I was about to start my run.

"Are you Emily Arima?"

"Huh..?" Being called by my full name, I stopped, since my marriage to Xavier, nobody has addressed me by my full name.

When I turned around, I came face-to-face with an elderly man.

"Nice to meet you, Emily" That face... That voice... I know this man...

"Are you..."

"Oh, you know me?"

"... Yes, you are Mr. Alex Baham" My husbands father... He's a prospective candidate for prime minister next term and a powerful man.

"That'll make this easier, could I have just a bit of your time?" I hesitated a little but nodded, this was my duty as a wife.

I went I to the cafe nearby with Alex, soon after we sat, Alex began speaking.

"I'll get straight to the point, I want you to break up with Xavier, he is going to be my successor, forgive me for saying this but you really are not suited for my son"

"Xavier says that he is not going to succeed you"

"You're just after Xavier's money, correct?" Even as he smiled, his eyes seemed to pierce right through me, he had a fierce light in his eyes that ever so slightly reminded me of Xavier.

"I did some research on you, you seem to be having money troubles"


"I wouldn't ask you to leave my son without recompense" Alex put an envelope on the table.

"What is this?"

"It's a check for $1,000,000"

"... Thank you for the offer"

"So you will break up with him?"

"No, I won't and I won't take your money either"

"Don't tell me... You want more?"

"I don't need anything from you"

"Well then, what do you want?!"

"I don't want anything, except Xavier"

"Stop lying! What are you really after?" Xavier said that he is not going to be a politician, which means he won't do what his father wants, with that in mind, I knew what I had to say.

"What am I after? I want to be happy with Xavier"


"I won't leave him because... I love him" I was careful to say 'I love him' without any hesitation in my voice, I hoped my smile didn't look too forced.

I softly pushed back the envelope and the enclosed check, then I stood up.

"If you like, please come to our house sometime, Xavier will be happy to see you"

"I..." Before he could finish his sentence, I took my leave.

I kept walking, when I was a good distance away from the cafe, I sat down on the pavement, that was so scary... My legs wouldn't stop shaking.

"I'm home.." I had only set on foot into my house when I felt the tension in the air, everybody at home somehow seemed so on edge.

"You're home, Emily"

"Xavier! Did something happen?"

"One of our stores was ravaged by gangsters"

"What?" I felt my face turn pale from fear. "Are the employees ok..?"

"Some were injured"

"But.. I mean.. Do you know why this happened?" Xavier has a look of guilt on his face, so does he know something about the attacks? It's obvious he is thinking about something.

"You there!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Close down all of our shops"

"All.. Of them?"

"Yes, all of them, send employees home, also tell them to go home in groups"

"Right away, sir!" Receiving these instructions from Xavier, the employee ran with phone in hand.

"Xavier, do you think these things might somehow be connected to your father?"

"Why do you say that?"

"He came to see me today" A shade of annoyance flitted across Xavier's face.

"What did he say to you?"

"He asked me to leave you in exchange for $1,000,000"


"I turned it down"

"That's more than what I offered you" He stared at me with cold, blank eyes, these eyes looked just like his fathers, but underneath his coldness was a warmth that could not found in his father.

"I understand if you want the money, I won't stop you"

"How could you say that?"

"Most people are succumb to power and money easily"

"I'm not 'most people'" Instead of replying, Xavier took hold of me.

"I'm glad I chose you, I'm glad you agreed to the contract" His words make me happier than anything, Xavier... A man who had never been able to trust a woman... Said this to me.

"That he attacked me so soon after meeting you, meaning he's becoming impatient with us"

"But he used gangsters to attack you, and what if it's discovered that his successor is involved with gangsters? That can't be good for him either, right?"

"He can cover his tracks easily, he might even be waiting for us to retaliate" Xavier looked lost in thought.

"I don't understand"

"Which part?"

"I mean... How can he do this to his own son?"

"... He's always gotten everything he wants by force but I won't be his successor, he's probably plotting his next attack now" But is that all he's trying to do? Plan an attack? He's putting pressure on Xavier's business in order to get it closed down.

Does he think that if Xavier loses his business, he will give in and become his fathers successor?

"I have a feeling that Alex has something else up his sleeve.. "

"Something else?"

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