Chapter 4: Slughorn's dismissal

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The rest of the week passed by as usual. Harry's homework pile grew higher by the day. He spent late hours sitting in his favourite armchair by the fire, and together with Ron, they worked their way through most of it. Hermione, so up to date with everything, kept pestering them about leaving things to the last minute. "It's all about being organised," she pointed out as she watched the two boys at work.  

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes as he put down his Transfiguration essay; complete, but a total mess. 

Ron looked over at him enviously, muttered something inaudible and continued.  

"Oh give it hear Ronald, at the rate you're going, we'll be hear until breakfast!" snapped Hermione. Ron handed over his essay and sank low into his chair.  

Harry chuckled at Hermione's impatience and started to pack away his things, when an idea occurred to him, "Do you think we could go visit Hagrid tomorrow? We have a free period first thing in the morning?" 

"Yeah, I could do with a bit of fresh air," yawned Ron. 

Hermione looked tense, " I'm not sure. You still have to get that memory from Slughorn-"  

"I will try tomorow, okay? We have potions after lunch." 

Defeated, Hermione sighed and handed Ron back his completed and corrected essay. She then bade the two of them goodnight and headed for the girls' dormitory.


The visit to Hagrid's was a quiet affair, as Hagrid was upset about something and he dared not mention it to them. He looked somewhat different, according to Harry; as though he hadn't been sleeping well. 


Harry had seen Draco and his two cronies linger along the corridor as they made their way down to the dungeons for potions class later that afternoon. "Their up to something!" he whispered to Ron. 

After class, Harry lingered until the classroom was empty except for Neville, who was having trouble emptying his cauldron. 

"It's Evenesco," he told Neville, as he approached Slughorn desk.  

"Harry m'boy what can an old man like me do for a brilliant potion-maker such as yourself? Ask away m'boy." 

Harry hesitated, unsure of how to begin, " Sir, I was wondering if you know anything about Horcruxes? It's just that I came across the term whilst reading." Sluggorn looked bewildered, but caught on quickly, " Dumbledore put you up to this? Didn't he?" Sluggorn looked outraged and dismissed Harry quickly with a " I have on idea what you talking about," and " Is that the time already? " 

Harry, feeling angry with Professor Slughorn's abrupt reply and departure, headed to the Great Hall to tell Ron and Hermione.

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