Chapter 11: Saved and punished

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"TAKE IT OFF!" demanded Hermione, raising her voice, "RIGHT NOW! OR I SWEAR ON DUMBLEDORE'S GREAT WHITE BEARD THAT I'LL HEX ALL OF YOU!" she raised her wand threatingly.

"Dumbledore's great... what?" grinned Ron, unable to hide his laughter.

"You heard perfectly well what I said. Now, OFF! You can't go around experimenting with curses."

"Combinations of curses," corrected Harry, who seemed not only amused, but also annoyed at the fact that his best friend (and the brightest witch in his year) attempted to defend Malfoy. He continued, "Hermione, let it go. You are out numbered."

"And besides, you know deep down that he- this little ferret of a Slytherin- deserved it," piped in Fred.

"Deserved it more than Umbridge with those clever spells of ours, eh Fred?" smirked George, while his sister, who was standing next to Neville nodded in agreement.

"Ginny? You can't side with them," came the voice from an angry-looking Hermione.

"Actually, I can," smiled Ginny, "Although I understand what you feel. Sometimes it's better to side with you family than your friends."

Hermione shot her an irritated look and retreated.

Neville, who was silent throughout the exchange between his friends, felt the need to say something, "First, we are are going to remove the curse, hex and jinx that he is under, and then we are going to bind him by an oath."

"Good Lord! Did Neville just say that?" Ron was surprised.

Neville dropped his gaze to his shoes, embarrassed.

"C'mon, Harry, we need you to instantly bind Malfoy the moment we remove the hexes from him." instructed Fred.

"Why me?"

"Because, face it mate, you have the fastest reflexes from the lot of us, Gryffindor seeker. And the person who would've done it is currently unavailable." His eyes flickered to where Hermione stood.

Harry noticed this and sighed. He directed his wand at Malfoy, and stole a glance in Hermione's direction. She shook her head and lowered her eyes.

George removed the jinxes and Harry repeated the same words that bound Neville.

Malfoy looked like he had received an good blow in the face, " Get off me, you blood-traitor Weasleys, " his voice sounded strained, as Fred and George tried to restrain him from attacking Harry.

"Just wait until my father hears about this."

"Poor death-eater daddy is in Azkaban," said Ginny fiercely, moving to stand next to Hermione and placing a comforting arm around her shoulder.

Malfoy was wandless, which means that naturally, he was defeated. He was at the others' mercy.

He was bound, so there was on escape for him. "What the hell did I get myself into?" he wondered in a state of panic.

There was a long silence coming from the place in the dimly lit room, where the six Gryffindors stood chatting animatedly. He assumed that Potter has used a charm on him that prevented him from overhearing. He also noticed that Granger was not part of that conversation. She sat cross-legged on the floor with her back pressed against the wall and held her head in her hands.

"There's something wrong with that mudblood," he thought but caught himself quickly. He was NOT going to feel sorry for her.

It was a few long and silent moments before Potter, the Weasleys and Longbottom shuffled their way across the darkened room towards him.

"Malfoy..." began Harry. He was cut off by a loud bang and and the opening of the door. He turned just in time to see an angry Snape standing before him, blocking the doorway. He held something in his hand that Harry recognised as the Marauders Map. Bloody hell, they were in trouble.

Malfoy smirked, but Harry had made no effort to lower his wand. Snape spoke, dragging his words to emphasise them,

"Well, well, well, we are in trouble."


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