Chapter 13: Childish foolishness and immaturity

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*****AUTHORS NOTE*****

This chapter is dedicated to 'Must_be_love' for her wonderful effort put into the making of my book cover. Thank you 'Must_be_love'.


The pink glow at the time of dawn, engulfed the room completely. It was no longer dark and eerie. Instead, it looked serene and had somewhat of a calming effect.

The room was occupied by sleeping individuals. Seven Gryffindors, that lay scattered across the dusty floor, that the new-found light generously allowed.

A few minutes went by, and Hermione began to stir. She opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to fully wake up, but when she was awake, she pushed herself, unwillingly, into a sitting position, and glanced around the room.

Her gaze fell upon two sleeping figures. Snape and Malfoy.

The events of the previous night came washing over her.

She got to her feet and made her way across the room. She arrived at the sleeping form of Malfoy first. She noticed that he had a peacefull expression on his usually smirking face. She couldn't help but stare at his features. ''His perfect features,'' she thought.

Dismissing the thought roughly from her mind, she shuffled over to Snape. When she looked at him, she didn't know what to expect, for she had never before seen a teacher sleep. Let alone this particular teacher. She noticed that he had an expression of uttermost confusion on his face. She guessed that it was due to the nature of her blackmailing techniques, and the result of unwillingly being subjected to 'childish foolishness and immaturity' as Snape himself might put it.

She shrugged and turned to her fellow housemates.

She was alone and wished for some company, so she gently prodded Ron in the shoulder, "Ron, wake up, please."

He didn't budge.

"Ron!" she tried again, but she knew it was hopeless, for he was to acustomed to good rest, and more importantly good food!

Annoyed, she turned to Harry, who opened his eyes just a fraction, when she shook him.

"What is it, Hermione?" he asked.

"Nothing... I just needed some company, thats all."




"Do you think what we did was...fair?" she couldn't think of a better word.

"Honestly, I think it is a little bit far-fetched, but all the same, It is going to be priceless to watch the reactions of more that one surprised face."

"Umm... I guess," Hermione was pondering the outcome of the situation that was to take place in the Great Hall later that day.

She knew that there was nothing more that she could do, as her Potions Professor was already magically bound by an oath. He was captured!

"HERMIONE!" Ron shouted, unaware of the fact that she was sitting on his immediate right and had interrupted her thoughts.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN? HONESTLY RON?" her voice just as loud as his was before. " I'M RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, RONALD!"

"Oh sorry," he turned a deep shade of red.

She shook her head in irritation; Ron's voice had awoken the rest of the sleeping Gryffindors.

Neville had been enthusiastic, and greeted the lot with a cheerful "Good Morning," before heading to breakfast. Fred and George followed suit and so did Ginny. This left the three of them alone to each others company.

"We might as well go down to breakfast, Snape and Malfoy should be up soon..." Harry's voice trailed of.

Then the three headed towards the Great Hall, for something more entertaining that just breakfast.

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