Chapter 15: The end of the tunnel

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The cold, icy wind of late November was harsh enough to keep majority of the inhabitants of Hogwarts inside on a Sunday afternoon. However, Harry, Ron and Hermione, being the fish that always swam against the current, were outside, making their way back from Hagrid's hut, and Aragog's funeral.

"I don't understand how a person can become attached to a monster." breathed Ron, his breath coming out like smoke, due to the cold.

"Ron!" said Hermione, "We went to support Hagrid EMOTIONALLY, not PHOBIALY!"

"Is that even a real word?"

"Of course!" flushed Hermione.

Harry, exhausted from hearing to constant bickering from the two, pulled his scarf tighter around his neck and pretended that he was all alone under his invisibility cloak. He had dinner to look foward to; the warm air, the sizzling exotic dishes and most importantly, he would get to see Ginny. Ah Ginny. He decided to be the Gryffindor that he was and confront her and tell her how he feels about her. If Ron was his truly his best friend, he would understand and accept that choice Harry made. He was also eager to return to the castle and hear word of what happened after Professor McGonagall forced Professor Snape out of the Great Hall, by wandpoint, and insisted that he spend the night in the Hospital Wing. Poor Snape, had to wear the icky, paisley hospital pyjamas.

Harry was secretly glad that that whole episode was over, so that now if could concentrate on getting that memory from Slughorn, however challenging it may be. He was determined to win against Voldermort in the end.

He decided that if all else fails, he would most likely be drinking some of that liquid luck, and hoping for a change in the wind.

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