Chapter 7: The truth told

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Hermione looked around the room; her best friends, Ron and Harry, gazed at her with eager eyes; Fred and George's eyes bursting with excitement; Neville shrugged; while Ginny, the only one who would understand, smiled and gave her a supportive nod.

Their intruder, Draco Malfoy, was tightly bound in the far east corner of the room, unfortunately being the victim of seven stunning spells after he attempted, but failed, to overthrow Neville in a physical fight.

"We aren't getting any younger waiting for you, Hermione!" joked Ron, "Which is it? Truth or Dare?"

"Truth or Dare? Mmm..." wondered Hermione contemplating, "Dare...?? Would definitely be something that involves breaking rules. Truth would be easier, but then again we're dealing with Ron's brothers. Oh, well."

She turned to the group and said, "TRUTH"

Everyone grinned excitedly.

"Muffliato," Harry said. He was greatful to the Half-Blood Prince for inventing a useful spell like that. Now that there was an invisible barrier between themselves and Hermione, the murmuring amongst the boys' and Ginny rose and soon it became a deafening sound; all eager to put foward their ideas. Finally after deciding as a group on Hermione's Truth, did Harry mutter the counter-curse and the invisible barrier fell.

It was George who spoke, giving final details of the rules before Hermione's statement. "In this Wizard version of Truth and Dare, all 'truths' will be verified by the use of The Truth Potion." he pulled out a small bottle of Veritaserum, shook its colourless contents and carefully placed it in the circle and continued, "All 'dares' will be protected by an oath, where you swear to carry out the task." He paused for a dramatic effect and then began, "Hermione Granger, you are to tell us who the person is that you currently have a crush on." Harry and Ron smirked and waited. Ginny gave her a small apologetic smile.

"Well...Erm, It's..." stuttered Hermione. She could see no way out of this. She heaved a mental sigh in defeat and blurted out, "Malfoy"

Ron, having a faint bit of excitement awaiting his best friends answer, was now turning crimson. He always thought that Hermione fancied Harry or... him. After all, they had been friends since first year. He glared at Hermione with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. It took the group a while to comprehend what she had just said. When it eventually hit them, they were all besides themselves with laughter. All except Ron. Fred slapped George's hand in triumph. Neville and Harry laughed themselves sick until Neville began clutching his stomach in pain, and Harry had involuntry sent off a few purple sparks from the tip of his wand. Ginny laughed but quickly recovered and moved about the- now deformed- circle to take a seat next to

Hermione. "Is it true?" she questioned.


"Give her the Veritaserum and lets be sure!" spat Ron, so unbemused by the fact that Hermione had just revealed her deepest, if not darkest secret. By now, the others had recovered and anxiously waited.

Hermione took the small vial, placed it to her lips and took a quick drink. She handed it back to Ron and muttered a thanks.

It took several moments for the potion to take effect and the question was repeated to her.

Again her answer was "Malfoy."

As the fact that Hermione fancied Draco hit Ron, he immediately became unsociable and irate. He snapped and growled at everyone.

Hermione sighed and relaxed as the blue bottle was spinned again, faster and faster, until it came to a sudden halt, indicating the next person who would be subjected to the choices and tortures of the game.

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