Chapter 17

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I wake up to a loud crash. My eyes fly open, and my heart begins to race.

Calm down Charlie. It's probably Aug.

I have quite an extreme fear of burglars. But hey, I guess a lot of people do.

"Dad?" I call, getting out of bed and walking over to the door.

"Yeah honey?" dad asks, and I sigh in relief.

"What's going on?" I ask, walking into the kitchen and seeing dad and Aug and a whole lot of fishing gear.

"I told you yesterday, Aug and I are going fishing for the weekend," dad says, and Aug lifts up his fishing rod as proof.

"Oh, right. I probably wasn't listening," I say, shrugging.

"Sounds about right," Aug says, and I shoot him a glare.

"Dad, can I have the girls over while you're gone?" I ask, and he raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I guess so. Just the girls, no one else," Dad says, and Aug starts laughing.

"I don't have any close friends after them, who else could I possibly invite?" I say, confused.

Aug slings his arm over my shoulder. "Oh, I can think of someone, princess," Aug says, and I push him off me.

"Ew, gross. I wouldn't invite Pardini over here even if he were the last human on Earth and I was lonely," I say, which is a definite lie, but I'm trying to prove that I won't invite him over. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"Alright, alright honey. Well, we're going; we'll be back tomorrow. If you need anything call me, and if you get worried just head over next door, I'm sure Maria won't mind. Don't wreck the house too much and if you leave remember to lock the door," Dad says, and I sigh, pushing him out of the house.

"Yeah, yeah dad, I'll be on my best behavior, now get on with it! Go! Leave me in peace, for God's sakes," I say, and he chuckles, getting into the car. I give Aug a hug goodbye, then head back inside.

While I'm eating my breakfast I send a text to the girls telling them to come over, and within half an hour they're here.

"Charlie, darling, you look amazing!" May greets me as I open the door. I'm wearing three-quarter leggings and the biggest t-shirt I could find.

May and I have this contest of 'who can wear the daggiest clothes'. Whenever we are by ourselves, we through on our biggest and baggiest clothes and have a contest of who looks the worst. I've tied my hair into a messy bun, which is harder than it looks considering the curls.

May is wearing running shorts and a huge jumper, her hair in a neat ponytail and her runners. We both know that I've won this time.

"Oh, May honey, you're too kind!" I say, letting her into my house.

Five minutes later, Jane, Grace and Hannah arrive, and May brings my Bluetooth speakers out of my room.

"Are we ready for a throwback?" She says, and we cheer. She blasts 'Kiss You' by One Direction through the speakers, and it's so loud that I can feel the floor vibrating. We all dance around the living room, re-enacting some of the scenes in the video clip.

"Oh, I just wanna show you off to all of my friends, making them drool down their chinny-chin-chins," Hannah sing-shouts, running into my room and re-appearing with a feather boa. I don't know where the hell that came from.

When the song finishes, 'Cooler than me' by Mike Posner comes on, and I grab Aug's sunglasses out of his room, which he stupidly left here.

"You got designer shades just to hide your face," May says, taking the sunglasses off of my face and putting them on hers.

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