Chapter 32

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I wake up to Hannah snoring. Charming.

I pull my phone out and see 12 texts from Nicolas and a missed call. I sigh, tiredly, then put my phone on my bedside table and walk out into the kitchen.

Dad was sitting at the table, his reading glasses on and the newspaper in his hand. I go over to him and kiss his cheek.

"Morning dad," I say, walking into the pantry and finding the chocolate powder. It was raining outside, so it was a perfect chance for something warm-mainly a hot chocolate.

"Morning sweetheart, did you have a good sleep?" dad asks, reading something in his newspaper.

"Yeah, pretty good, you?" I ask, but I honestly don't know why I bother. It's not like he's listening.

"That's nice sweetie," he says, and I giggle to myself, pouring chocolate powder into the mugs I placed on the table and turning on the kettle.

"Why don't we have a father-daughter day today?" I say, and dad looks up from the paper.


"You know, a father daughter day. I feel like you're always working and I never get to see you," I say, and dad pulls the corner of his mouth up, thinking.

"That sounds like a great idea, but what about Aug?" dad asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Dad, he will be spending the day with Hannah from the moment he wakes up," I say, and dad chuckles.

"Alright, well tell me when you're ready and we will go out," he says, and I smirk, gesturing outside.

"Oh, it appears to be raining. Well, we will find something to do," Dad says, and I laugh, picking up the mugs of hot chocolate and walking back to my room.

I walk in to see Aug lying down next to Hannah on the mattress, snuggling. Gross.

"I knew it dad," I yell out, then walk into my room and give Hannah her hot chocolate.

"Hey guys, what you been up to?" I say, raising an eyebrow at Hannah, who rolls her eyes at me.

"What do you honestly think we'd be doing at 10:30 in the morning?" Aug says, taking Hannah's hot chocolate and sipping from it. Once again-gross.

"I have ideas," I say, smirking.

"You have a dirty mind," Aug says, and Hannah nods.

"See?" she says, and I giggle.

"What are your plans for today?" I ask, and Aug looks at Hannah.

"I was going to take this one out, but she says you need her for...moral support?" he questions, and I roll my eyes.

"It's ok, you've been freed. Dad and I are having a father daughter day, so you guys actually need to get lost," I say, and Aug scoffs.

"Feeling the love," Hannah says, and I blow a kiss to her.

After 10 minutes, I manage to get Aug to disappear so Hannah and I can get changed.

I put on my black-cropped top, since it's only my dad. I put on my light grey Nike sweatpants and leave my hair out, because I honestly could not be bothered trying to fit that curly mess into a bun.

Hannah and Aug leave about 5 minutes later, and I go into dad's study to find him behind his desk.

"Let's go food shopping," I say, and dad looks up at me.

"Why? We already have food,"

"Dad you know what food I mean," I say, and he rolls his eyes, picking his keys up off his desk and throwing them to me.

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