chapter 5

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As we walk to the car we don't speak, we're both lost in thought. Anastasia looks like she's completely bewildered by what just happened in the elevator. I'm feeling a little lost myself, I don't really know what this means and it is all very confusing. I feel myself losing control when it comes to Anastasia, I can't keep away from her and I want her all the time. And there's the issue of my nosy big brother, what the fuck am I going to tell him? He's going to want some answers and I can't exactly tell him that I want her to be my sub, but I can't very well tell him that she's my girlfriend either, she may run screaming tonight and then it's going to be really difficult to explain.

I open the car door for Anastasia and she gets in quietly. I wonder what she's thinking. I'm pretty sure she liked it judging from the way she looked afterwards and even now she is slightly flushed and flustered. Oh, this is so fucking confusing.

When I reverse out of the parking space I turn on the music and Anastasia asks me what the music is.

"It's "The Flower Duet" by Delibes, from the opera Lakmé. Do you like it?"

"Christian, it's wonderful."

"It is, isn't it?" I am so excited that she likes the music, it means the world to me that she likes what I'm playing. Take it easy, Grey.

She asks if she can hear it again and seems completely lost in the music, a little like I get when I play the piano.

"You like classical music" she asks.

"My taste is eclectic, Anastasia, everything from Thomas Tallis to the Kings of Leon. It depends on my mood. You?"

"Me, too. Though I don't know who Thomas Tallis is."

"I'll play it for you sometime. He's a sixteenth-century British composer. Tudor, church choral music. Sounds very esoteric, I know, but it's also magical." Easy there Grey, how much time to you expect to be spending with this girl, not fucking...

I'm really trying very hard to figure out what the fuck to do here, but I've come to the conclusion that I can't really do anything before I know what Anastasia is going to do. I just need to figure out what I'm going to tell Elliot today, but I guess I'll just have to wing it.

During our drive to Anastasia's apartment both Welch and Andrea ring me. When Anastasia was drying her hair I asked Andrea to draw up an NDA that Anastasia can sign tonight when she comes to Escala. That really is the first step, before we can go any further. I really should have waited to kiss her until she'd signed the NDA, but she was so fucking sexy that I couldn't help myself.

Then Elliot rings me, I have the phone on speaker since it is a really bad idea to talk handheld when you are driving.

"Hi, Christian, d'you get laid?" For fucks sake, Anastasia is listening.

"Hello, Elliot - I'm on speakerphone, and I'm not alone in the car."

"Who's with you?" Oh, for fucks sake.

"Anastasia Steele"

"Hi, Ana." Ana? What the fuck, he doesn't even know her.

"Hello, Elliot."

"Heard a lot about you." For fucks sake, he probably knows more about her than I do.

"Don't believe a word Kate says." Elliot is just laughing. Oh I wish I knew what Kate has told him about Anastasia.

"I'm dropping Anastasia off now. Shall I pick you up?"


"See you shortly."

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