chapter 19

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When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Anastasia's blue eyes looking at me. She's awake and watching me 
At that moment I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me that this is exactly how life should be, waking up to those beautiful eyes every morning.
Next I realize that I have slept all night, I have not even been awake once which is highly unusual for me. That thought brings a smile to my face, Anastasia sure has an unexpected effect on me. But waking up like this makes me feel serene and whole. I wake much with the same feeling as I fell asleep, sated.
Next I realize that I am completely draped around Anastasia, our bodies are a tangled mess. Even in my sleep I'm attracted to her, I never would have expected that I could find such joy in sleeping with someone. But I am pretty sure that I would not feel this way with anyone but Anastasia.
I am quite amazed at the fact that I have actually slept the entire night without interruption, which I cannot remember when last happened.
I usually have horrible nightmares or just wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep anymore.
Anastasia informs me that she has slept well, but that I am way too hot. I know what she means of course, but I cannot resist the temptation to tease her a bit and tell her that she is not too bad herself. As I realize that I have slept the entire night and it is now completely light outside, I have no idea what time it is. I had not bothered setting the alarm on my phone since I had expected to wake up really early.
My beautiful girl leans casually over to check the alarm clock on her nightstand and tells me that it is 7.30. Oh that's ... FUCK, I've slept too late, I never sleep too late, EVER. That has never happened before either.
I fly off of the bed and grab my jeans off the floor and put them on. I scramble around to grab my stuff while Anastasia has raised herself on her elbows and it smirking at me from the bed, looking rather amused at my being so flustered. When I've put on my t-shirt and grabbed my stuff from the dresser I quickly lean down to kiss my beautiful girl before leaving. After what we have shared last night, it just seems wrong to not kiss her before I leave. To me this night has been one of the best, no the best, in my life. I never thought that I would be able to experience something like that, so this actually means a lot to me.
I have not forgotten Anastasia's feelings from last night though. I still feel very responsible for making her feel that way and I will have to keep an eye on her feelings in the future, because I am not intending to scare her away. I want her with me for the future and it is very important to me, that as her Dom, I am looking after her properly.
I give her a quick kiss and tell her that I'll see her on Sunday. I can hardly wait that long, but I know that I'll have to endure a third degree from my sister on Saturday first, when I pick her up from the airport.
I run to the car and throw myself in and the tires screech when I pull out. I am seriously late at this point and I do not do late. I do not have time to shower, so I'll will just have to conduct the meeting in my jeans and t-shirt, which has never happened before either. In all honesty I do not give a fuck, but I do like to conduct my meetings well dressed. But right now I can smell Anastasia all over me and that is a smell that I could get used to having on me all the time.

I drive like a bat outta hell to get to the meeting by 8am, but when it is 8.01 I am still a little away. Taylor calls me to ask where the hell I am and I just tell him that I am almost there and for him to bring my laptop to the meeting and as an afterthought I ask him to bring one of my blazer jackets, so that I at least look a little more professional. He will figure out soon enough what is going on when I saunter into the room wearing jeans and a t-shirt. 
When I arrive back at the hotel and throw the car keys to the valet, they eye me up and down, not exactly used to me arriving this early in an outfit like that. If anything, they see me in running gear with Taylor trailing behind me. I have no idea what Taylor is going to think, but I have a feeling that at this point in time he is just rolling his eyes at me.

I hurry to the meeting room where the other participant are already set up, I already knew this was going to be a hell of a boring meeting, but by the looks on everyone's faces, this will me even more of a killer than I originally thought.

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