chapter 11

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When I finally go to sleep, it is an uneasy sleep and I wake up from a nightmare at 3 am and since I do not have my piano to soothe me, I feel like shit. I toss and turn for another hour without sleeping, but decide it is a lost cause so I get up to answer some more emails and go to the gym when they open at 5 am.

I have a couple of meetings this morning before my appointment with Flynn this afternoon. The first meeting is at 7.30 so it suits me perfectly that I have time for a workout before then, to try to dispel some of the foul mood that I am in, yet again.

The meeting is deathly dull, with suits sucking up to me to get money out of me, they think that because I am so young, I will not be able to see straight through their bullshit.  As I glance at the clock I am starting to get anxious to hear something from Anastasia, she should have received the computer by now and have it set up to use. I cannot believe that she takes up so much space in my head, I do not go even half an hour without thinking about her. I look forward to my meeting with Flynn later, as he should be able to shed some light on my strange behaviour and manage to give me a solution to this, to get Anastasia to sign the contract so she can be my sub, because that is what I really want.

As I completely space out from the meeting I notice an email popping in on my computer screen and to my joy it is from Anastasia.

I can see from her email that she has read the contract, which pleases me immensely. That means that she has not completely disregarded it and thrown it in the trash, she is still considering.

She informs me that she does not want a computer and that she will only accept it on loan. That woman has got to be one of the most stubborn women I have ever met, she is so stubborn and independent it is driving me mad. I just want her to graciously accept what I give her, as a sub would do, but not Anastasia. I am seriously beginning to wonder whether she will make a good sub at all, but I have to find out because I am not ready to let her go yet.

She keeps calling me "Sir" in her emails which make me smile, I love to hear that from her, even more so when she is saying it and I am hoping I will hear it a lot more in the near future. 

I am not a guy who generally smiles a lot so when the other participants in the meeting are glaring at me I am aware that my steely image is slipping a little, I had better wipe that smile of my face before they think I have gone mental.

My spirits have lifted so much that I even write Elliot's annoying "Laters, baby" in my last email to Anastasia. What the fuck is going on, Grey? Are you completely loosing your marbles?

I decide that I should stop thinking about Anastasia until my meeting with Flynn, otherwise these business meetings will end up without result what so ever, because I am not listening to a word being said.

I manage through the morning without thinking too much about her, but when I get to my lunch meeting I am missing her like crazy. Knowing that she is at work I cannot expect answer if I send her an email, so I go into my lunch meeting in yet another foul mood.

My mood takes a turn for the worse when the report from the covert security arrives in my inbox, Anastasia has gone to lunch with the photographer fucker. I feel rage boil in me, how can she even want to see him after what he did. I feel like coming after her, to pick her up and drive her back to my hotel room, just to remind her that she is mine. But she isn't yours, now is she, Grey? 

She has not signed the contract yet, so even though I took her virginity, I have no right over her, she can see whomever she wants and do whatever she wants.

After eating some lunch I feel slightly better, even though I am still mad it has reassured me some that the covert security has informed me that they just went for lunch and then she went back to work again.

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