Chapter 10: this is it.

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I felt the familiar blue energy around me and Gaster, until we started to travel through time and space. I felt my soul being crushed by the impact, I was holding my chest and whimpering, but I did not open my eyes, in fear of what might be there.

It was painful when we finally reached there. I went flying, to I don't know where. I felt snow on my face and I opened my eyes.

I used my shaking arms to push myself up right, and as soon as I stood up I began to choke and splutter. Something was irritating my breathing, my eyes leaked tears and the world became blurry. I tried to make sense of what could be happening, why I was choking. Then the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. It was, dust.

Panicking I called out all of my friends names, forgetting to stay calm, forgetting the reason I was here. I stumbled forwards, not knowing where I was going, still desperately calling there names. Then I heard a chuckle. I whipped round, and through the hazy world I could see a girl, no older than frisk. She was clutching a bloody and dusty knife in her hands. It was Chara.

*fight start
"Heh, you've been busy, huh kiddo"
*cut the crap and get to the good stuff sans
"You little brat, you killed everyone again, didn't you?"
*no reply, but an evil grin
"Well then, you ready to have a bad time?"
*no reply, but they nod their head eagerly
"Too bad"
*they stare at you confused.
*sans uses Gaster blasters
"What. You think I'm just going to stand there and take it?"
*bone attack
"You do realise this was my happy ending finally, why did you come back..?"
*Gaster blasters
"Huh, not the talking type Are ya?"
*bone attack
"Look kid, you really like swinging that knife, but don't you want to rest? You- you've been dead and gone for a LONG time, why not rest peacefully? No burdens or worries? Come on kiddo.."
"Please? Don't you remember m-"
"ACK! Heh... O- oh wow..."

The kid struck me with force I had never felt before. The all too familiar pain ebbed through my body, crushing my already broken soul. I had failed EVERYONE. I couldn't go back to the other timeline, all my friends were dead.

I managed to take a closer look at this kid, I was too intent on getting chara killed I didn't think to take in any details. When I looked at her my worst fears had come true.. It was Amber. Her eyes red and her clothes covered in dust and blood.

I fell to the ground, I felt myself fading, fast. This was it. This was my life over. I had failed EVERYONE. No one was alive, nothing had gone to plan, everything had gone wrong...

I felt my breathing slow and my vision tinge black. I heard a voice whisper "stay determined"

It was frisk.
I had to protect amber.
N-no matter...
MWUAHAHAHA!! Sorry for the cliffhanger heh. I had an idea, I think the story will now be told from ambers perspective! I had thought of doing that for a while. It should be fun to hear the story from her point of view huh? If you liked this chapter let me know!
Stay determined lovely's!
~S :)

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