Author's Notes

694 13 2

Hello there! This is a section of the story that I'll keep updating depending on how many chapters I post and if I need to say something. This is here so I don't have to make a separate chapter for every single note- I mean, I know how annoying that can get. (Very.)

Anyways... Yeah. Enjoy!

- Note: nobody is straight let's get that out of the way

- old Note: I'm basically typing up stuff from my journal to Wattpad, so it'll be slow. Right now I have, like, 21 pages written front and back, so typing this up will be a long process. So, sorry if it takes a while to update.

- Note: None of these here are OCs. I may draw some of them a lot, but they aren't really OCs. Most of them are just random names assigned to the roles, who eventually grow their own character, some of them are headcanons of the roles (like Prophet) , and the rest of them (Firebug, Dexter) are just the skins of the roles, interpreted and brought to life by me. (Whether I pull it off, is up to you guys.)

Note update 10/20/17: hey fuck you last note these are my children, my babies,

i did not design dexter or firebug though so thanks bmg for letting me drown them in headcanons i have so many regrets in my life

Note: I've seen that many people have read this chapter and abandoned it. That's totally okay, but just saying, it isn't as bad as these notes make it seem, lmao. (I mean.... I think so...? I dunno.) But I'm typing a chapter right now, expect more!

note update 10/20/17: disregard that note, this story was made by a 7th grader during a creative writing class so it may not be perfect but it made them extremely happy and excited when they were that 7th grader and it gave them something to look forward to. all the readers and praise only fed this happiness, and made that 7th grader a happy fucking camper. thank you all so much for reading this even though it obviously isn't the best thing in the world. it may be silly but it definitely is an important part of my life even if it seems pretty dumb and trivial. i had a great time writing this.

note note: me pointing out the fact that i was in 7th grade while writing this means nothing. you can be in 7th grade and write masterpieces, but what i'm saying is that even if you are happy with your writing skills right now you will improve even more and soar to great new heights. it only gets better from here my friend

NOTE: Oh my gosh, I accidentally unpublished an entire chapter when trying to preview it. The Wattpad app can be a real nuisance sometimes. I apologize if this blunder resulted in anything bad, other than the views being reset.

Note: honestly don't ask why the townspeople can't tell who's who by the names and the way they dress because i don't even know, screw logic. I'm going with the way the skins look, and for example the Jester's dressed like an obvious jester, but screw it.

 I'm going with the way the skins look, and for example the Jester's dressed like an obvious jester, but screw it

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what a smug-looking asshole.
And by the by, the Jester in this story doesn't wear the hat all the time, because I like drawing floofy hair.

Note: Oh man I don't like writing this. I mean I enjoy writing it but after a couple days or hours I regret it because man everything I do is cringey. But yknow, whatever. I don't wanna abandon this project, I'm gonna finish it, kick it, and laugh in it's face.
I know I made a TON of mistakes including typos, some possible pronoun mistakes with Prophet, and screwing up on the game's mechanics in general. (but I mean there's 16 people in this town from the start so honestly)
But...ah well. I guess I started this, and I'm gonna finish this.
I also regret killing off Prophet this early because holy shit I developed his character a lot outside of this story.
And I'm yelling because I came up with really cute ships but most of the people are dead I think, so.

update (6/26/2017): when i went to try to update this thing i forgot who was dead and who wasnt and ohhh my god how do people not suspect firebug is the arsonist is name is literally firebug i'm cackling

anyways i'm gonna try my best to see if i can finally end this shit. i'm sorry about the wait and i'm sorry that my writing is bad it really is not worth the wait

note 10/20/17: i really regret killing off these characters so early without being able to expand on them. that's a big mistake. i developed a lot of them outside of this fic and love each and every one of them. if you want to hear me yell about them hit me up, but...yeah, i should've kept some alive. unfortunately this is the town of salem and there can only be a few winners.

also, i won't be rewriting this, even though i really want to. i guess, if i end up finishing this, you can see how my writing's improved, and that's pretty cool. it might fuck up the flow of the story, but honestly i messed up a lot of the story anyways including all those stupid typos so i'm just going nuts.

I still really miss working on this story, haha. an entire journal and even more scattered papers and post-its dedicated to just one stupid fanfic, could you imagine?

11/24/19 - Reuploaded this fic to wattpad again after two years or so! Had bad identity issues to sort out, but now I'm good. Anyways, because of this, reminder to please ask me before using my art in anything, even as an icon, or using my characters in fanfiction. Please. I'll most likely say yes if you ask me. It makes me very uncomfortable to see my stuff used without asking and without credit. Thank you!

Town of Salem - ArsonistWhere stories live. Discover now