Night Four

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The lunch had made its way into the early night, and the group was surprised when the sun began to set and the moon started its trek up the sky. They had been having such a good time, the concept of time had slipped their mind. As they exited the closing deli with the flickering lights, they laughed and talked with bits of sandwich in their hands and a Styrofoam box of leftovers in Garrett's arms.

"Yeah, the Mayor was an egotistical idiot who didn't lnow how anything worked," he scoffed. "He couldn't do romance for shit. So I sent Jett to kill him, y'know, so he could get used to getting his hands dirty."

"That seems rather irrational," giggled Firebug. "You two seemed close."

"I mean, he wasn't any use to me or the family," Garrett responded, "so why not just get rid of him?" The godfather always called the mafia his "Family," and treated them as such. The arsonist enjoyed listening to them interact, hoping that someday he'd learn to share a friendship that strong.
The four walked along the empty, lamp-lit streets, staying huddled together to keep warm in the frigid temperature.

"Your house is right here, correct?" Referring to the town list, Firebug turned to Garrett. The man shrugged.

"Yeah, but we're not going there tonight."

"Ya see," started Miriam, "us Family members switch the house we gather at, because if not, townies'll suspect us, wouldn't they?" She undid her necktie, curly black hair being pushed aside as she did so.

"Ah, yes, I understand," the Arsonist nodded. "That sounds nice, hanging out together as a group. Who's house are you heading to tonight?"

"We were thinking Miriam's," Jett answered. "And yeah, it's pretty darn fun, kiddo. 'Specially if we don't have any orders or if Garrett's jailed. Then we just play cards over candlelight."

"How nice..." Firebug stopped walking, nearing his home. "I wish I could join, house is right here."

"Ey, that's fine." Jett smiled and waved goodbye. "G'night!"

"Goodnight," dismissed Garrett, nodding him off. "See you tomorrow?"

"Hopefully," Firebug joked, opening the front door. Garrett chuckled, pivoting around.

"Let's go, Miriam, Jett." The three walked off to Miriam's, two houses down. The sound of their talking gradually faded away as they stepped indoors. Tired and full, Firebug headed on into his own home.

It was silent and dark yet again, like every night. However, this night he didn't have anyone to douse in mind. Perhaps Avery tonight, he thought as he hung his purse on a chair and grabbed his town list. Yes, Avery. Set on his decision, the man hustled to his room and pulled off his clothes, then stepped into his nightly jumper, dusting them off.

"Here I am." Eyes large amber moons in the dark, Firebug unfolded the sheet of paper that contained the names of the townies. His finger skimmed down the list and stopped at Avery's name. He drew a small box next to it and smiled. As he reread the list, his eyes lingered on one row. Prophet. Firebug sighed and faltered before crossing out their name. They were gone forever now. Their scent still lingered around his house, and under the dining table was a small lone bell from their outfit. The arsonist knew of its presence, but didn't bother to move it.

"Okay," he whispered. His mind had wandered. Time was slipping out of his grasp and he needed to do his thing tonight, so he shuffled over to his living room and fit on his old boots. In the unilluminated room he began pondering on his planned route to Avery's abode.
A few minutes later a knock sounded throughout the house, from the front door. Firebug gasped and jumped, startled. He wasn't used to having people visit him in the middle of the night, not even the Doctor.

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