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((Skip down below the dashes for the actual update, teehee. This is just crappy fourth-wall punching writing that is not canon whatsoever. :3c ))

Prophet sat in a tall director's chair in the middle of an empty room placed who knows where- somewhere definitely outside Salem, but close to it at the same time. Wherever it was, it had a lot of infinite snacks and refreshments, everyone who had died was alive only in the room, and everyone wasn't really out to kill each other. Those who enjoyed staying in this room called it...the "Hiatus Room." What a strange name for a strange room, don't you think?
Little Prophet had enjoyed their stay in the Hiatus Room (especially since they couldn't hang out with their friends outside of it due to them being hung), but they'd been hearing...voices lately. This wouldn't be very shocking news if it weren't for the fact that this was a new voice. A singular voice, and it did not yell at them or treat them harshly like most other voices unless they upset it. (Which was hard to do.)
But a voice was a voice, and it had to drive them nuts somehow, so eventually they felt the whisper in their head growing louder and louder until they finally couldn't ignore it anymore. The voice wanted them to be its prophet, and they finally agreed.
So there Prophet sat in their nifty little director's chair, watching everyone go by their ways, chilling and talking and flirting and such. They watched and observed until the room seemed to be a little more quiet, unsuspecting. Perfect, they thought.

"HEY GUYS!" They shouted through a megaphone that had been attached to the chair. "GUESS WHAT!"

"What do you want now, Simon?" groaned Dexter, rubbing his eyes. He had just been abruptly awoken from a nice nap.

"Not again," mumbled Firebug from Dexter's lap, already sensing the incoming headache.

"NO, FOR REAL THIS TIME! THIS IS IMPORTANT!" Prophet nearly toppled over by kicking their feet back and forth so rapidly.

"Just say it," said John, stuffing his face with assorted cheeses.

"OKAY! LISTEN UP!" Prophet grinned. "The voice told me that we might be back in business soon!" Nearly everyone groaned in perfect unison. "That means I'll be dead and so will Whitney and so will Maddox an-"

"Wait, when?" asked Firebug.

"Beats me," said Prophet, "They've said this multiple times before and nothing happened. But they wanted me to tell you guys that maybe...maybe soon, yes!"

"You're happy about it because you get to go into the Dead Room and continue living on chocolate bars and Captain Crunch," sighed Dexter. "I've gotta start preparing to lunge and sprint like a majestic damn elk."

"Hmph. Hopefully I'll ignite soon. This year, hopefully?" complained Firebug, wiping sone chocolate smudges from probably fifteen previous s'mores off his lip.

"Wait...am I dead yet? I forgot," asked John.

"Ahhh, shush! The voice wants us all to shut up for a moment. Please." Prophet sat with their eyes shut and their hands up. Everyone stared at them. It was always a sight, seeing them communicate with these voices. It was like he was a Medium, only crazier.
"...Actually, nevermind. Yeah, go back to whatever you guys were doing. The voice says they've got it all under control. We're safe under their wings!" Prophet hugged themselves tightly.

"If we're so safe, then why do we already have so many people dea-" Jett's voice was cut off by a sudden author's note.


Okay, okay, enough jinks, highjinks and lowjinks. Let's cut to the chase.

ONE: I am so sorry for not updating in a while!!! (Not sarcasm like for real ok) I got real busy with stuff like art and more writing and ASK BLOGGSSS and friends! I didn't really pay attention to this especially since my dumb butt thought I'd finished it for some reason. But hey, I'm here now, and hopefully my lazy butt will try to wrap this thing up!!

TWO: Shoutout to user "MyNameIsJeeff" for reminding me my Wattpad existed and giving me motivation to actually do this in the first place. I'm a sucker for feedback so even if the only comment I get on something is an avocado emoji I'll still appreciate it and yell about it and say "holy cow someone actually read my crap and liked it and reAD IT??" But okay yeah thanks bro :^)

THREE: I actually have the next few chapters written down, I just really don't like how the characters acted or how it was writren in general, so I have to rewrite that and rearrange the plot maybe and AAAAGH. Oops, I'm never satisfied with my work. But hopefully I squeeze out one chapter this week.

FOUR: Super cool stuff here!!!! Guess what? I'm now the proud owner of two Town of Salem tumblr ask blogs! The first one I made is "ask-arsos", which first used to be specially for Buggy(Firebug) until I found a fellow arsonist named Arthur and began co-owning the blog with him. My second is "askthedoc", which is for a Doctor character named Gene. (He's based off the doctor from the card game promo art.) If you guys want to see my characters come to life and drop a few asks, check it out! (however buggy is not feeling well so he isnt as alive as i hoped but) (STILL) (he will be better very soon)
(Edit 11/14/19: These askblogs are now defunct, don't send asks, but feel free to visit them and read through! I have some active askblogs today though— including one with Buggy that I run with my boyfriend that we haven't posted on in ages. We don't have any asks, and it'd be a nice surprise for them. the url is arsonislegalnow. My other askblog for an Arsonist Dexter is flamingpossums.)

FOUR PART TWO: Another reason I've been kinda dead is because I'm going to Miami Supercon on July 3rd! It's been really stressful getting supplies and funds but I really think we'll pull through!
By we I mean me and my group of friends!
We're going as the SALEM SQUAAAD! I'm cosplaying the Arsonist, my pal as Dexter (mayormaynotbeverygayahahaahaha) and another friend possibly as their Medium! (they run "ask-med" on tumblr) IM SO EXCITED AAHHH and I'll be posting pictures on my tumblr so I'm really hyped!!! Can't wait to see myself look like a cutie for once, pose for squad (andmaybegay) photos, and maybe even meet some Town of Salem fans!! Give them big ol warm arso-hugs and fistbumps!
(update 11/24/19 - I met no tos fans but this con was still a really fun time for me)

TL;DR - This may be coming back soon, I'm real busy with TOS ask blogs, friends, and cosplay but I haven't forgotten about you guys. (2019 edit: Rip)

Stay tuned! Hopefully this is the only update I have to make a separate chapter for, sorry about that!!!! Thank you all for your patience and care, I hope you enjoy! Stay safe, rested, and be sure to stay home during a full moon in case of rampaging werewolves.

- love, buggy

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