Day Three

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Sun beamed down onto the town, slithering in through the windows, dappling the leaves of trees, beating down onto the two corpses splayed out in the plaza, where they'd usually be standing if they were alive.

One of them belonged to Maddox, with a bloodied bullet hole imprinted on her forehead and her usually peachy skin now disturblingly sallow. The second carcass belonged to a lady Firebug couldn't recognize, with short platinum white hair, a red cocktail dress, and makeup applied so professionally it looked as if she were only sleeping- despite the multiple stab wounds littered across her body.

People were going into a frenzied panic, but above them all, the Mayor still stood sturdy and at ease.

"Maddox was unfortunately found dead least night. She was shot by a Veteran," announced Mayor Bridger solemnly. He paged through some sheets of paper. "She was a Mafioso."

There was a stir in the crowd. The mafia was active, and some were celebrating the death of one of its members. Firebug, on the other hand, was indifferent. He took a gander at Dexter. Prophet was grinning ear to ear, gripping onto Dexter's arm. Dexter himself was intently listening to the Mayor, taking notes in his will.

"She did not leave a last will," finished John. "Whitney was found dead last night as well." As he switched papers, someone in the crowd of townies let out a whistle. How disrespectful.

"Killed by a Serial Killer, she was our beautiful Escort." The murmur of the town reappeared. The tall man in the shady area of the plaza smirked. Dexter glanced at Prophet, who said something inaudibly. Dexter let out a tiny laugh, Prophet giggling madly through clenched teeth. Firebug snorted. What dorks.

The Mayor began reading her will.

"On Night One, she visited Garrett

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"On Night One, she visited Garrett." The Mayor threw a glance at the tall man. The man, presumably Garrett, winked and clicked his tongue.

"Last night, she visited Dexter." Dexter smiled and raised his eyebrows. Garrett rolled his eyes.

"Those're all the deaths of today. We'll be sorting out leads, thank you."

Firebug felt a hand smack down on his shoulder.

"Hey, kid." He turned to face whoever tapped him, and yet again Dexter towered over him.

"Hello, Dexter," Firebug greeted, feeling a little less annoyed by his smug-looking smile.

"Thanks for taking watch over Proph for me. I guess you're okay." Dexter looked off to the side. "...Okay, but... really, thanks. I really care about Prophet, he's like a lil' brother to me." He smacked Firebug on the back, making him jump forwards.

"Y-your welcome," he coughed. Dexter glanced up, looking at someone from across the plaza, rolled his eyes, and nodded. He turned his steady gaze back towards Firebug.

"Hey... I want you to meet someone," he said. Dexter grabbed Firebug by the hand and tugged him over to the tall man who seemed to be staring directly at the Mayor's ass. "Garrett, stop being an S rank slut and say hi to me and this dweeb," Dexter barked.

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