Day Two

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Yet again the roosters crowed, and the happy tune faintly played, indicating another morning. Everyone seemed to be outside already, due to the unorderly buzz.

Firebug was sitting on a bench in the same outfit as yesterday, bathing in the sun drowsily. He watched intently as the Mayor rushed up to speak with bandages and cuts scattered around his body.

"Okay, okay, settle down. Last night I was attacked by something- ah, s-someone- but I was healed by a nice Doctor, so I am okay." Only a few people were listening to him. Firebug played little attention, observing a peculiar man standing near the lynching platform unnoticed. He was observing it meticulously, examining the noose in wonder, scribbling away at his will.
Was he okay? The way he dressed was out of place and quirky, almost messy. He was restless, fidgeting around and glancing up constantly.
At the same time that Dexter man was having a chat with Murr, and despite his smile he seemed rather irked at Murr's hyper and talkative attitude. But Dexter's smile was big and convincing nonetheless.

"Does anybody have leads?" Mayor Bridger was determined on finding out who set a hand upon his precious self, most likely. The buzz of the townspeople toned down.

"I do." A villager, who was petite with strawberry blonde hair, spoke up. "I am the Lookout, sir. Rascal the Lookout," he declared, "and I saw Giles and Maddox visit you. One of them must be your attacker."

A yell silenced the crowd. The odd man who was examining the lynching platform bounces up, "I am the real Lookout, and I saw Giles and Ivan visit the Mayor!" He pointed at a white-haired man across the plaza who seemed very calm compared to the others. He modestly shook his head.

"Do any of you have any proof of your claims?" The Mayor spoke above them. The two clammed up.

"I...I wrote it down in my will?" piped up Rascal.

"I was supposed to write it in my will?" The second Lookout went wide-eyed. "I was so absorbed in watching it and being accurate, so..." Firebug rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mayor," said a tall man in the shaded corner of the plaza, "but I am afraid only one of them can be the Lookout."

"How? How do you know?" The second Lookout narrowed his green eyes.

"Simple. In this town, the roles are decided evenly, there can only be one of each role, unless it's a rare case." The man had on a sly smile. "So, the one who didn't provide a will must be the fake."

"Enough, enough. We'll settle this dispute after we discuss the Lookouts' findings. Maddox, Ivan? Giles told me his role last night. What are yours?" Mayor Bridger rubbed his bandaged arm.

"Veteran," said Ivan. "I cannot have visited the Mayor, for I stay at home." Firebug could hear him loading his gun. He will most likely go on alert tonight if he is the Veteran.

"What about you, Maddox?" Everyone turned to look at the suspect. They fiddled with their curly maroon locks.

"I am the Vigilante," she claims. "I visited the wrong house and was going to shoot, but he was healed." She batted her eyelashes, which looked sharp enough to kill a man.

"Okay, then, that's settled." John looks at the second Lookout. "Ivan claims Veteran. We will have an Investigator check him if they can. If the Investigator sees that they are the Veteran, you are to be lynched..."Bridger glances at the list of names. "...Prophet."
Prophet? What kind of a name is Prophet?

Prophet grinned. "Yes siree," he said calmly.

"Are those all the leads?" John scanned the population.

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