Just let me #11

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Sorry this is late. I got my phone taken away like a child lol. But enjoy. And my girlfriend just really loves that picture of Josh lol. It has nothing to do with the story.

Colleen's POV
I can't believe I just ran off stage. I can't believe I'm still running. Where am I even running too? I slow down to think and catch my breath. I hear quick and heavy footsteps coming from behind me as someone grabs my waist. I jump back instinctively and turn around. Josh is standing there breathing very heavily with tears in his eyes. I push his hands off me slowly as he says "Colleen. Can we please talk?" "Why should we?! I tried talking to you this whole time!!!" I say raising my voice. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Please Colleen, you're my everything. My whole world. My happiness. My heart." he says placing his hand on my cheek as he is two seconds away from breaking down. I close my eyes. "Okay let's go talk." I say as he smiles ear to ear and pulls me into him, hugging me tighter than ever. A man walks up to Josh and whispers something in his ear as Josh nods, then the man walks away. "I need to go back to the show. I wasn't supposed to leave until the break. Can you hang around and we'll talk later??" he asks. "I guess." I say slightly irritated. "Thanks." he says and hugs me once again.

Joshua's POV
"And that's a wrap!" Simon says as the judges finally get to go home. My goodness did that take forever. "Drinks at my house?" Demi asks. "I could use a drink." Britney says. Simon nods as I say "Sure why not."

"Come on, one more Josh. Stop being a pussy." Demi says as she slides a shot across the kitchen bar to me. "No. I really can't. I just sobered up and I need to go home... wait... Oh my god, Colleen!" I say with my eyes wide open. "Wait what is happening?" Demi says I say as I frantically put on my jacket. "I-I.. uh I.. where the hell are my keys?!" I say panicking. "Calm down Josh. Now tell us what happened." Demi says patting my back. "Okay so after she ran off stage I chased her and she was so mad at me but then I asked her if we could talk and she said yes. But I had to go back to you guys so I asked her if she could wait for me until we were done. Then I came here and totally forgot and now she'll probably never forgive me and I'll lose the love of my life and I won't have kids with her and I won't get to spoil her or get her things on Valentine's Day and she won't get to celebrate any holidays with my family. Demi, I freaking lost her. I lost my world!" I say now crying. "Buddy, it's okay. Breathe. Breathe." she says slowly hugging me tightly. "I'll drive you to her house." she says as I nod and we head out the door.

"I need to call her." I say to Demi as we are about 10 minutes away. She turns down the radio as I click on her contact. 'Swept Away💖'
Straight to voicemail. "I guess it will be a surprise." I say as Demi giggles. "Yes it most definitely will."

We pull up to her apartments as I get nervous. "Come with me please?" I ask her. "Sure but I'm leaving as soon as you guys start talking." she says and smiles. "Fair enough." We get out of the car and take the elevator up to her floor. We hear yelling. Two girls. We walk farther and it's coming from Colleens door. "Colleen stop!!!" a girl says. My heart starts racing. "Why?! Why don't you let me just do it?! All my pain will be gone, the world won't have to deal with me anymore. It sounds like a good idea to me." I hear Colleen yell back. What does she want to do?! "What about all the people that love you Colleen??!" the girl yells. "You'll be better off without me Rachel!!" she yells. It's Rachel. "Yes I love you a lot Colleen but I'm not talking about me." she says sternly. "The family  will do just fine without me. My fans will find someone else to watch. Everything will-" Colleen says before Rachel interrupts "I'm talking about Josh!!" she yells. Colleen giggles. "Josh??.. *giggles*  you really think that Josh loves me?! Of course he doesn't! You don't hurt the people you love Rachel....Do you know how much pain that boy has put me through? Do you know how many sleepless nights I have encountered? Do you know how much weight I have lost from not wanting to eat because of him? Do you know that every time I cut myself, it's because he took away my happiness? Do you know how much it hurts to wake up everyday and know that the man you love, doesn't even care about you?... I wanted to marry that man. Have kids with him. Spend the rest of my fucking life with him! But he thinks otherwise. I just can't do it anymore Rachel. My whole world fell apart in a week. I'm tired of pretending to be okay. I'm just tired Rachel. I just.... can't." she says sobbing. I can't believe I did this to her. My heart is heavy. My eyes are watery. I'm crying. "Colleen Please." Rachel sobs. "I love you so much Rach." Colleen says. "Colleen no!!!" Rachel yells.

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