Henry's Twenty-Second Post

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HenryMills: QOTD: What do you think of my mom (Regina)'s new username? I think it's wonderful


ElsaOfArendelle: She has a new username?

HenryMills: Yup!

ElsaOfArendelle: What is it?

ReginaOfLocksley: It's Emma's fault and she's using magic to keep me from changing it -.-

EmmaSwan: >:)

ElsaOfArendelle: Awww I love it!


ElsaOfArendelle: Well I wouldn't go THAT far...

SnowWhite: I would!

ReginaOfLocksley: That doesn't surprise anyone

ElsaOfArendelle: Nope

SnowWhite: Well it IS a pretty fantastical username

AnnaOfArendelle: I agree!

ReginaOfLocksley: Oh great, you're here too

EmmaSwan: You're over reacting, Regina, it's only until Valentine's Day is over

ReginaOfLocksley: -.-

EmmaSwan: >:)

BelleFrench: You two need to stop fighting

EmmaSwan: But it's friendly fighting

CaptainHook: Yeah! the floor and Regina are friends, so they friendly fight just like you and Regina

CaptainHook: Not the floor, the floor

CaptainHook: You know what I mean

ReginaOfLocksley: Of course we do

ReginaOfLocksley: We all know you're in love with the floor

CaptainHook: No, I'm in love with the floor

ReginaOfLocksley: Exactly

EmmaSwan: Don't worry, Neal, I'll fix it after Valentine's Day

EmmaSwan: *Neal

EmmaSwan: *Neal

EmmaSwan: Neal Cassidy

EmmaSwan: Neal Cassidy

NealCassidy: Do you want something?

EmmaSwan: No, I'm just trying to see if Regina left anything for me to call Neal

NealCassidy: You mean Hook?

EmmaSwan: Yeah, him

EmmaSwan: Neal

EmmaSwan: Wow Regina thought through this

ReginaOfLocksley: Of course I did

EmmaSwan: But did you consider Neal?!

ReginaOfLocksley: Yup

EmmaSwan: Darn it

HenryMills: Okay maybe you two should just change back whatever it was you changed in the first place

EmmaSwan: NO!

SnowWhite: Nothing is worth Regina changing her username!

ReginaOfLocksley: Nothing is worth Emma not being able to type out Hook's name in anyway

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