Chapter 1

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This is where my journey begins. Today me, Rose Weasley gets to finally go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
In the car I couldn't stay still in my seat. I was so excited. Then the car stopped and I looked up, we were finally at kings cross station.
As I stepped on platform 9 and 3/4 my elbow length curly, frizzy orange hair flew in my face. I smiled at my little brother Hugo Weasley, who had curly orange hair and bright blue eyes just like me, along with almost every other Weasley. He was only 9 years old, so he wouldn't be starting Hogwarts for another 2 years, I was 11 and today my journey would begin. Where my parents went to school,
where I heard and read all their adventures. I was beyond excited.

As I walked with my family I saw the Potters approaching, Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny, Albus, Lily and James.
Albus and I are tight. We've been talking about going to Hogwarts together all our lives. We've got it all planned out. Best friends/Cousins in Gryfinndor, killing every test. We couldn't wait.
Albus is also 11 and, looks just like his father. He had green eyes and crazy black hair. The only thing he was missing, was the glasses.
Lily was the same age as Hugo, so she wouldn't be starting Hogwarts for another 2 years. She has pin straight red hair and glowing brown eyes, just like her mom.
James is starting his 3rd year and already on the quittich team as beater, with one of my other cousins, Fred Weasley. ( Son of George and Angelina Weasley). Fred also has a little sister named Roxanne. Shes the same age as Lily.

I was about to say hi to Albus, when he stopped to talk to he's father. Uncle Harry seemed to be trying to explain something to Albus, but he still had a worried look in his face and I immediately new why.
All summer Albus has been scared he's going to get in Slytherin. He's crazy there's no way he's going to. I've tried to tell him, but he just won't listen. No Potter has ever got in before, why would Albus be the first?
" Hey Lily and James is Albus ok." I asked.
" Ya he's just being a baby because he thinks he's gonna get into Slytherin." James replied well pretending to suck his thumb. Lily and I both laughed. James gave me a quick hug and then ran off with his friends. Lily and I talked for a bit before she went over to Hugo.

Then my father came over to me with a serious look on his face.
" Rose you see that kid over there. " My father said well pointing across kings cross station. I followed his finger to a kid about my age. He had platinum blond hair with fierce silver eyes. He was talking to a man I was guessing to be his father, who looked exactly like him. The woman standing next to them had dark brown hair with the same dark brown eyes.
" That's Draco Malfoy's son, Scorpius." My dad said with disgust in his voice.
My parents have told me many stories about how Draco Malfoy, and his Slytherin friends would always pick on my uncle Harry, my mom and dad. I felt anger rising up.
" You beat him in every single test ok Rosie." He said well turning to look at me.
" Ronald don't make them enemies before they even meet. " My mother said in a concerned voice well coming over.
" Trust me, I'm pretty sure it would have happened anyway." My father laughed. "Oh and by the way Rose, if you don't get into Gryfinndor we'll have to banish you!" My dad laughed jokingly. "Ron!" My mom yelled well slapping his arm.

" Honk!" I was startled by the sound of the train.
" Bye sweetie I'm gonna miss you so much!" My mom said well pulling me into a tight hug. I pulled back after a few seconds and went to my dad. "Remember beat him." My dad whispered.
"Don't worry I will" I whispered back. I pulled away and smiled at him.
" Rose I'm going to miss you!" Hugo yelled well running into me. I hugged him and then I said.
" I'll be back at Christmas." And kissed his head.
" Good Luck!" Lily yelled me. I ran over to hug her and then went to find Albus.
He was still talking to his father. I came up to them and I heard- " If your really that worried just ask it." I didn't hear what Albus muttered back, but at least he looked a little more relaxed.
Once they noticed me, Albus hugged his dad. I took Albus's hand as we both got onto the Hogwarts Express. It's a sparkling red with nice black out linings. Looking at the train was breath taking, but inside was even more. The capartment seat were a nice red and it was just how my family described them.

Albus and I waved to our parents till we couldn't see them anymore.
"Where should we sit." I asked.
"Well this capartments free". Albus replied well pointing a few capartments ahead. We walked in and sat down.
Before we even settled into our seats, Albus cried "What if I get in Slytherin!" I sighed. "Albus we've been over this, me and you are going to be in Gryfinndor together no doubt. Even if you do get in Slytherin"- Albus gave a sudden gasp and then started biting his nails. "Not saying you will, it's like a 0.1% chance you will and ill still love you." I finished well giving my cousin a promising look.
"Ok ok I'll stop stressing. " Albus replied, but I could tell that's all he was thinking about.

After a few minutes later of talking about Hogwarts, the capartment door slide open.
"Hi sorry everywhere else is full do you mind." I looked up to see the same fierce silver eyes and platinum blond hair , Scorpius Malfoy. I gritted my teeth. I was about to say yes actually we do mind, but then Albus spoke.
"No, not at all sit down."
Scorpius sat down beside Albus, and diagonal from me.
"What' your name?" Albus asked Scorpius.
"Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy." He replied. Albus didn't seem to affected by this which surprised me a lot, since there parents you know we're enemies.  "What's yours?" Scorpius asked Albus. " Potter, Albus Potter." He responded. They shook hands.
"So what house do you think you'll be put into?" Albus asked Scorpius.
"I don't know probably Slytherin, everyone in my family has gone there." He replied with a smirk. Albus gasped , but then quickly covered it up with a fake cough.
"I don't know either but I really hope Gryfinndor." Albus said with some worry in his voice.
"Me to." I said firmly. Scorpius turned towards me, finally noticing I was there.
"Oh red hair and freckles, you must be a Weasley." He smirked. I noticed that the "hand me down rope" part wasn't there. I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind, well anger was building up inside me.
"And is there's problem with that?" I sassed well razing my eyebrows. "I don't know, I haven't decided yet." He murmured back.
"And why would there be?" I growled at him.
"Because you Weasley's tormented my father!" He spat at me. "Um I think it was most diffently the other way around!" I spat back starting to get up.
Albus got ready to grab me. "My father told me stories all about your father, he was a mean jerk just like you." I said with a raised tone. My anger was at its highest point. "Hey, you don't even know me!" He yelled back. "Your a Malfoy, that's all I need to know!" I yelled back.
"Well your the daughter of that Granger arn't you! So you must be bossy and rude!" Scorpius yelled. He's face was now a deep shade a red.
I was about to pounce but Albus held me back. I strangled against him as Scorpius got up.
"I think I'll go sit somewhere else." Scorpius growled, and looked at me with coldness in his eyes. " See you around Albus." Scorpius gave a quick nod to Albus, and was off.

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