Chapter 7

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It's been a couple days since Hagrid has assigned our project, taking care of a baby unicorn. Malfoy and I tried to keep are distance, but with this project, it's impossible. With Malfoy changing Ariels food at 9:00am, 3:00 pm and 8:00pm, well me changing Ariels water at all those but 10 mins later, but nothing seemed to be working. Some how we always met up, and fought. He just grinds my gears sooo much! Plus that's not all we have to do. Between class and at lunch we have to play with her. She has the other unicorns, but she still has to see her "mom". Malfoy has breakfast and supper, and I have lunch and before bed.

The thing about me is I'm not a morning person, or a night owl. Some nights I never wanna go to bed. Others that's all I want to do. Some mornings I just bolt right up, and others are like today.
"Rose, ROSE get up!" I took a pillow and put it over my head. "No it's so warm in here." mumbling as I snuggled into my warm bed. "Rose it's 7:50. School starts in 10 minutes!" I shot up to see Kendal dressed and ready.
"Did you say 10 minutes!" I looked over at the clock. It was in fact 7:50. Pushing Kendal out of the way I threw my clothes on and flew my books into my bag. "Oh my god how could I let this happen." I turned to see Kendal gone. I rushed down stairs, running to the great hall.
"I hope I have time to eat a bit." I thought to my self. When I got there I looked at my watch. "8:57." I yelled. Rushing everywhere, I grabbed a bagel and ran to potions with, you guessed it Slytherins.

When I reached the potions room, the door was closed. My watch read 8:10 I was late, and I know my teacher wouldn't be to happy about that. Taking a deep breathe I opened the door to the classroom. Everyone's head snapped in my direction. I turned to my teacher, professor Horntail. There printed on his face, was his usual look of joy when a student was about to get embarrassed. "Ms. Weasley it was about time you showed up."

You might be thinking, what happened to professor Slughorn. My parents told me about there last potions teacher, professor Slughorn, but sadly he retired and I got stuck with professor Horntail.
"Sorry Professor Horntail."  I mumbled trying to rush to my seat. "Now wait Ms. Weasley, why don't you tell the class why you were late." Professor Horntail had a evil grin, it was disgusting how embrassing people made him feel better about himself. If he wasn't a teacher, he would have been in trouble.
I looked around the class some people had a snack out, like they were watching a show.
"Well.... I over slept." I muttered. "15 points will be taken away from Gryfinndor for such an awful excuse." Beaming Professor Horntail gestured me to my seat, well the Gryfinndors moaned.

As I walked to my chair, it felt as 100 eyes were on me. I sat beside Kendal, in front of Albus and Malfoy. A hand went on my shoulder.
"Hey look it's ok." Albus said firmly. I nodded and noticed Malfoy's judging eyes. "What." I snapped at him. "Nothing, it's just we didn't really need you to tell us why you were late." Malfoy chuckled and I looked down at myself.
Suddenly, I remembered I didn't brush my hair or teeth. My hair was so bushy, I could see it from the sides of my eyes. Plus my robe was on backwards. Quickly I threw gum in my mouth and slouched. I'll just have to get the points back. I thought.
"Alright class turn to page 394 and make this potion by the end of class."
By the end of class I got all the points back. It seemed to pain professor Horntail to do it, but he had no choice, the potion was perfect.
I left potions class happy, forgetting what happened before, and replaced the thought with my perfect potion.

"Hey Rose are you gonna fix, you know." Kendal looked down. I remembered my robe was on backwards. "Oh right I'll be right back." I scurried to the washroom to turn my robe around, and fix my hair as much as I could.

The day flew by till it was my 2nd time to go play with Ariel before bed.
"Hey Rose where you going?" Hazel asked me. "Oh it's my turn to play with the unicorn." I replied getting on my robes. "Oh right how's it going with Malfoy." Hazel groaned.
"It sucks, but it's not as awful as I thought." I said back, but what I didn't know was after this night, I'd hate Malfoy more than ever.
"Buy guys." I yelled well running down the stairs.

I got a pass from Hagrid, because I was going to have to be out late. When I came outside, it was pitch black except for the stars in the sky. The crisp air made me shiver. When I got to the unicorn pens, Ariel was sleepy, so I was only down there for a few minutes.

I went back in the castle. As I walked towards the stairs a person flashed by me. I crept behind them and noticed it was "Malfoy!" I yelled. He turned around and covered my mouth. Quickly I shoved him off. "What the hell are you doing!" I whispered harshly. "Weasley be more quiet, I'm going to see something." Malfoy replied. "Professor... Horntail asked me to!" He added in quickly. "Ohhhk?" I was a bit confused for Malfoy looking so scared. We both turned and started rushing up the stairs. "What did professor Horntail ask you to do?" I asked. "Well..." Malfoy seemed to think for a second. "None of your business Weasley."
Fuming, I was about to step off the stairway to the common room, but the staircase moved with me almost falling off. I let out a yelp and Malfoy covered my mouth again. "Shut it will you." He said. "I'm sorry I just almost fell off!" I said angering rising. Then are heads snapped. We heard a meow not far from us. Malfoy's face turned white. "Come on we're gonna get caught." Before I new, Malfoy grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the 4th floor. "Malfoy were not allowed to be here were gonna get in trouble." I said in a worried tone. My mind snapped. "Malfoy what do you mean we're gonna get in trouble I thought professor Horntail told you to come in here." I asked even though I new he was gonna lie.
"He did, I mean your gonna get in trouble..." Malfoy whispered nervously. "Malfoy I know your-" I started to yell but Malfoy put his hand over my mouth. "Look I just wanna know what's in the 4th floor." I looked up ahead. Just pass the door ahead of us, was what professor Magonagall wanted us to stay away from. "Malfoy your going to get in trouble." I whispered firmly. "Just let me peek." As he stepped towards the door someone came into the room.
"Well well aren't we in trouble." There stood Mr. Flitch with a evil smile on his face. "No Mr. Flitch actually it's just Malfoy, see I have a note from Hagrid." I went over and gave him the note smiling.
He read for a moment, but the evil smirk just got bigger. "See, this here says you can play with the unicorn, and then go right back to the common room, not the entrance to the forbidden 4th floor." Mr. Flitch smirked as my smile faded. "But sir, but Malfoy said he was allowed so I thought-"
"No excuses Weasley, your parents had lots of them, let's see what the headmistress has in store for you two." Flitch took us both by the arms and dragged us. I was so mad. "Malfoy I can't believe you." I whispered. "You gave us away!" Malfoy whispered back. "Did no-"
"Shut up!" Barked flitch, and we both fell silent.

I never wanted the walk to end. I had no idea what Professor Magonagall would do to us, but I know it wasn't going to be good.
"Mr. Flitch what is it." Magonagall said. "Well these two were up out of bed, about to enter the 4th floor." Flitch sneered. I couldn't hold it in. "Please professor, it was Malfoy not me I have a note." I passed her the paper but she just frowned. "I know what it says and it said nothing about being able to go in the 4th floor!" Magonagall howled. "To teach you both a lesson the punishments will be almost cruel." Malfoy and I exchanged a nervous look. "Hagrid told me he needs two helpers in the woods tomorrow night at 8:00, and I think you two would be perfect." We both didn't dare to speak. "Also 60 points will be taken away from each of your houses." We both groaned. "Alright now go to bed, before I make it worse." Magonagall finished in a dangerous voice. We both ran out as fast as we could. "Malfoy you ruin everything!" I yelled almost on the verge of tears. "Right back at ya." And with that we both went to bed.

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