Chapter 5

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Malfoy and I flew out the fireplace with lots of force. Dirt covered us, as we fell on top of each other. I couldn't see with all the dust in my eyes, but I new we weren't in Diagon Alley. I pushed him off viscously, and stood up. "Where the bloody hell are we!" I stood there breathing hard, while Malfoy got up with ease. "I don't know I think-" I cut him off. "Can't you say anything right!" I yelled again well pacing around the room. Then fear started to overcome me. Where the bloody hell were we, how far away were we from Diagon alley, how would we get back?
I turned to face Malfoy with a dangerous look. He shrunk down as I whispered. "Where the bloody hell did you take us." I covered my mouth, I just said bloody hell three times. "Before you rudely interrupted me, I was about to say I think we're in Knockturn alley." He said quietly. "Ya well that makes sense since you said DIATURN ALLEY! God Malfoy can't you do anything right." I said fuming. "Shut up." He whispered. I was about to yell something but I looked up around me. Everything was dark and creepy. There were cob webs around the shop, and many ancient cursed objects. I started to feel more scared then mad when I read the sign of this shop we were in. Borgin and Burkes.
I suddenly realized why Malfoy said shut up earlier. A man was unlocking the door to the shop. "Weasley quick in here." He held the door open to a small closet.
"Is it safe? I can sense some things are cursed." I whispered. "Would you rather get caught!" He whispered harshly. Just as the man was about to open the door I ran in the closet, Malfoy shutting the door behind us.
We were squished between clothes and very uncomfortably close together. We started to hear muffle voices. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but Malfoy muttered. "My father."
"Why is he here." I asked. "Well because my grandfather- actually it's none of your business!" He growled. I opened my mouth but then closed it. All around the shop was silence. Breathing heavily, I was worried that Malfoy and I were too loud.
"Did you here anything?" I heard a mans voice boom. Another moment of silence. My hands started getting sweaty, what if they knew we were here?
After a minute, another voice piped up. "No sir, are you sure your feeling alright?"
"Yes I'm fine, whatever thanks." The booming man snapped. "Oh wait let me help you."
The other piping man said.
I heard loud footsteps and then a ding as the door shut. We both let out a huge breath.
"You almost got us caught you know." Malfoy stated.
"Well you were the one who got us into this!" I was beyond annoyed, but still scared. "Do you think it's safe?" He went in front of me, and slowly opened the door. "It's fine lets go." We both quickly walked out of the scary shop.

On the street wasn't any better. Outside the shop was just as scary as inside. The air was crisp, even though it was summer. The sun was no where to be found. I put my arms around my shoulders, as we started walking down the street. "Do you even know where we're going?" I huffed at Malfoy. "Think so." He replied. I groaned as a hand went on my shoulder. "Oh two youngsters like you, shouldn't be wandering in these streets." An old witch said in a crackly voice. "It's cold won't you come with me?" She was holding a swamp green potion with deadly gas coming out. "We're good Thankyou." Malfoy tried to pull me away, but the witch tightened her grip.
The old witch smirked. "No, I think this would make you feel a lot better." Her eyes were cold and evil. Just standing next to her made everything colder.
"No actually we need to go!" With that Malfoy grabbed my arm and we both booked it. When we finally stopped, I looked back to see no trace of the witch. We both panted with our hands on our knees. "That was close." Malfoy said. "Ya-" We both looked up at each other. "And next time you take floo powder, let the other person say it." I finished. He ignored that and looked up at the signs. Left Horizontal alley, right Diagon alley.
Malfoy started walking left, but I pulled the back of his shirt, dragging him into Diagon Alley.

As we walked into Diagon Alley, the sun seemed to appear up in the sky again. Diagon alley looked so much different than Knockturn alley. The streets were filled with happy people with bags full of stuff. The shops glinted in the sun. The warm sun tingled down my body and made me smile. I forgot about what happened until I realized how dirty I was. My clothes covered in dirt and dust. Malfoy looked the same. "How bad do I look?" I said staring at Malfoy. He looked at me for a second before saying. "Awful." I groaned as he laughed. "Hey look there's Albus and Kendal!" Malfoy yelled. I looked to see a frantic Albus and Kendal. When they noticed we were looking at them, they ran right towards us.
Kendal attacked me in a hug. "Oh my god Rose you had us worried!"
"Oh and you to Scorpius..." Kendal said half heartedly. "Anyway what happened?" Albus asked.
I stepped out of Kendals hug and jeered. "Malfoy can't say anything right so he took us to KNOCK TURN ALLEY! We had to hide in a closet and I almost got kidnapped." I breathed heavily, no one daring to speak. "How long were we gone anyway?" I snapped. Albus looked down at his watch and then spoke nervously. "About an hour.."
"WHAT! I missed the book signing I wanted to go to.-" I was so mad that my ears were starting to turn pink. I had to hold my arm back from punching Malfoy.
"I was so excited for today, Malfoy why do you have to ruin everything!" I screamed looking at the 3 of them. They had the same expression, scared. I took a deep breath.  "The days not over yet, come on Kendal." I turned away well pulling Kendal's arm. I didn't dare to look back because I thought I might kill Malfoy.
"Wanna get some ice cream before we shop..?" Kendal asked. "Sure." I said trying to sound as happy as possible.

The rest of the day was great even with the whole Knockturn alley thing. My parents were really worried, but happy I was ok. No one blamed Malfoy except for my dad and I.
Dad never said it, but I could tell he thought it, with his angry expression he gave, when I told the adults about Knockturn alley.

Everyone got all the school supplies along with some pets. I got a cat named Charming, Kendal got a Owl named Finn, Albus got at Toad named Todd and Malfoy got a cat named prince.
Malfoy and I stayed out of each other's sights, so nothing else went wrong. Even on the way home with the floo powder. This time I went with Kendal and Malfoy went with Albus. Kendal stayed the night in my room. We talked all night how this year at Hogwarts would be. It wasn't for a few days, but I was beyond excited.
It seemed like forever, but I finally fell asleep.

I woke up with someone shaking my shoulders. "Rose get up!" I squinted my eyes to see Kendal. "What is it." I muttered sleepily. "Today's the first day of Hogwarts." Before Kendal finished her words I jumped out of bed. "Well don't just stand there Kendal come on!" I said well getting out my robes and throwing them on. She sighed well doing the same. I checked and double checked my suitcase 1000 times before lugging it down stairs.

"Ok gang are we ready to go?" Everyone nodded while we went to the floo powder. "Kings cross station!" Kendal yelled as we twisted and turned till we were there. We were the last ones and the whole family was waiting. No new kids in the family would be going to Hogwarts this year. It was still just James, Fred in 4th year and Albus and I in 2nd. Everyone else had either graduated or was not going yet. Lily, Hugo and Roxanne were going next year and was very excited about.
My best friends Kendal, Hazel, Erin were in my year as well as Malfoy. Where do I even start with him. I can't not fight with him. He's just so unlikable, I can't stand him. Albus shook me out of my daze.
"Ready?." He asked looking me in the eye. "Ya race ya there!" I laughed well running into the wall, between platforms 9 and 10. Also known as platform 9 and 3/4. When I got there, I saw the Hogwarts express. It seems to sparkle as the sun hits it. "Hey Rose were sitting together right?" Albus asked. "As long as Kendal, Erin and Hazel can come." I said. "Same for Scorpius."
"Why can't he sit with his own friends, you know I hate him!" I pleaded. Albus hesitated. "No I'll agree on your terms if you agree on mine." He said firmly. "Fine."
I went to hug my family and then climbed onto the train. "Let's sit here." I pointed to the first capartment.
"No we should sit here the suns on it." I turned to see Malfoy pointing to the capartment on the other side. "That's why we should sit here, no one will have the sun in there eyes." I said stiffly.
Just at the right time, Albus walked around the corner. "Oh good you've picked out a capartment." Albus smiled well sitting in the one I was pointing to. I stuck my tongue out at Malfoy and sat across from Albus as the train took off.

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