Chapter 6

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As Kendal and I sat down, I waved my hand for Erin and Hazel to join us. When they got in, Albus closed the caparment door with only us girls, him and Malfoy.
"Albus is anyone else coming other than....him?" I asked.
Albus paused before he answered.  "I don't think so..." He stared at Malfoy awkwardly, and sat down.
What was Albus hiding from me? He never hid anything before Malfoy came into our lives. Anger started rising up in me.
"Rose it's the first day of the second year, don't let him ruin this for you." I whispered to myself. "What Rose did you say something?" I looked up at Hazel, who had a questioning face. "Oh nothin I just said are you excited about this year." I smiled wide as Hazel, Kendal and Erin starting babbling about things they were excited for.

While the girls were talking to each other and Malfoy in the bathroom, I took this opportunity to talk to Albus. "Hey what's new." I asked quietly.
"Oh nothing really-" I cut him off, I just couldn't take it anymore.
"Albus what are you hiding from me!" I whispered harshly. "Woah Rose, nothing why would you-"
"Albus I'm not stupid I can tell, now spit it out!" I spat.
"Look it's not my secret to tell I'm sorry." Albus said in frustration. There were so many emotions flying through me all at once. Hurt, anger, wonder. I know it wasn't his to tell but, Albus told me everything, and I just couldn't help the one thing that changed that. "Albus ever since Malfoy got in the picture nothing has ever been the same!" I said loud enough that the girls went silent. "Ever since he got here you haven't been able to tell me anything. We used to be best friends." My voice quivered. "We still are Rose it's just-" he started before I yelled.
"Albus you always spend your time with Malfoy and you know nothing ever goes right when I see him"
"But Rose-"
"I need some air." I glanced back before I left, seeing my friends with worried faces and Albus with a sad look. With face expressions, I told them I wanted to be alone, and they let me leave.

I rushed to the bathroom, where I could pour my tears that I just needed to get out. As I walked with my head down low, I crashed into someone and we both fell to the ground. "Sor-" I stopped speaking when it realized who it was, Malfoy. I scrambled to my feet, brushing dirt off my robes. "Watch where your going Weasley." Malfoy sputtered. "Shove off Malfoy." I pushed him out of the way as I walked towards the bathroom. When I got in I cried for a minute. Thinking about everything that just happened. When I looked at my self in the mirror, I didn't see Rose. I needed to get her back.
"Rose don't let this get you down." I whispered confidently. Wiping my tears, I went outside the bathroom as if nothing happened.

When I slide the capartment door open, everyone looked up like a giant noise came from me. Albus immediately stood up and took me outside. "Rose I'm so sorry, look I didn't mean-"
"Albus it's fine I over reacted I know your gonna make other friends not being in the same house as me, even if its Malfoy I'll try to hang out with you when I can." I gave him a smile I hoped would work. I was still hurt, but I didn't want to ruin the whole day.
"Thank you Rose I love you." Albus said happily well he pulling me into a long hug.
"Ok ready to go back in." I finally said breaking away. "Yes." He replied with a big smile well sliding open the capartment door.
When we walked in everyone's head snapped in our direction. Once they realized Albus and I weren't mad at each other anymore, they continued talking.

"Hello loves would you like anything from the trolley." I shook out of my daze and found a little old lady standing at the capartment door. She had a cart full of treats and a pink patterned apron on.
"I'll just have a chocolate frog please." Malfoy said standing up. As he walked up to the trolley I heard someone say "You won't be finding your dad on one of those cards! Burn." It was followed by a bunch of laughter. Malfoy ignored it and I laughed. Albus gave me a cold look and then got up with Kendal to get some candy.

"Screech!" A while later the train stopped. I turned to look outside, we were finally at Hogwarts. We went outside the train, waiting for the carriages. I've never been on them before, but my uncle Harry told me that there is an invisible animal pulling them, called threstrals. I read all about them, and you can only see them if you've seen death. I always wondered what they looked like, but the price to see them was not something I wanted to pay.

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