Chapter 8

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When I got back to the common room last night, everyone was asleep. So no one knew about my detention with Malfoy tonight, and I wanted to keep it that way. But when Kendal pulled me aside during class, I knew I had to tell her.
"Rose why didn't you come back last night?" Kendal asked. I sighed no one knew the points had been taken away, because they hadn't been removed from the jar yet. I explained to her what happened, and watched her face change from a smile, to a frown. "Rose again, the year just started were gonna be so behind on points." Kendal groaned. "I know I'm sorry but it really was Malfoy's fault." Kendal gave me a sour look. "Look Kendal because of this, everyone's gonna hate me please don't be one of those people." I looked at her with pleading eyes. I knew she couldn't stay mad at me. "Fine, but only because I love you." She gave me a hug. "Oh good luck with Malfoy today, I hope you can't get detention in detention because if you can, you'll do it." Kendal went away, and I was left alone. That was true, whenever Malfoy and I were together something happened. I'm sure I could get another detention, in detention as long as I was with Malfoy.

I thought that the only bad part of my day would be detention tonight, but I was wrong. Before I knew it Gryfinndors were scowling at me because I'd lost our house 60 points. I tried to lay low, but I'd still hear the occasional "Rose I thought you were supposed to be the good kid." Or "Hey look it's the girl who lost us 60 points. Boo!" I tried to make it seem like they weren't getting to me, but it hurt. The only thing that kept me going to my classes was my friends and family, but they weren't going to be with me tonight.

The clock struck 7:50. I'd just finish my Charms assiment. "Bye girls gotta go do detention." I muttered well they were doing homework. I took a glance in the mirror. I was wearing my Hogwarts uniform not backwards this time, which was good. My hair was its usual puffy orange fluff and my freckles ran all over my face. I stuck my wand in my pocket, and left.

The halls were empty except for the few teachers and students roaming around. As I walked outside, I noticed it was already dark. The crisp air bit me. Winter was coming. There was a little breeze and the only light that shone was from the moon.

When I got down to Hagrids Hut, Malfoy was already there. "Well I hope your happy, your the one who got us into this mess." I muttered. "You didn't have to come to the 4th floor." Malfoy protested.
"You pulled me!" I said my voice getting louder. Malfoy was about to say something when Hagrid came out of his hut.
"When I heard the bickering, I suspected you two were here." Hagrid said.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Alright what do we have to do. Clean your hut?"
"We're not going in my house." Hagrid growled. "We're going in the forest."
Malfoy eyes widened. I wasn't surprised, because I'm not stupid like Malfoy and was actually listening to Magonagall when she told us this.
"I thought we were just going to clean your hut or something." Malfoy said in a small voice. "We can't go in there." Malfoy pointed shakily at the forest. "There's....warewolves!"
I almost laughed, was Malfoy actually scared.
"Don't be scared Malfoy we'll be with Hagrid." I said in a sarcastic voice, on the verge of laughter. Malfoy stuck his tongue out at me.
"Well actually Rose you'll just be with Malfoy and Fang." Hagrid said calmly.
"Oh great and scared coward and a dog." I said sarcastically.
"Rose don't you underestimate Fang, he's one tuff dog." Hagrid said firmly. "On the other hand good luck." Malfoy looked beyond annoyed.
"What will we exactly be doing." Malfoy asked.
"Well you see your parents did something similar when they were younger." Hagrid said.
I thought back to my parents stories. Oh ya in their first year of Hogwarts, they got in detention with uncle Harry and Draco Malfoy. In the woods they had to find a unicorn and take it out of it misery. Instead of just finding a dead unicorn, uncle Harry almost got killed by a cloaked figure, well Draco Malfoy ran away.
Luckily a centaur, Frenize saved him. Later my parents and uncle Harry found out the clocked figure was Voldmort.
Well that's a great thought before you go into the woods. I thought to myself.
"Alrighty you two heres the story. In the hospital wing there's a shortage in a very important medicine, its almost used everyday." Hagrid said. "You two have sharper eye sight than me so this will be easier for you guys. You need to find this plant." Hagrid pulled up a drawing. "It glows only at night, and you need to get at least 3. Ill send Fang with ya, because the flower attracts some creatures.." Hagrid paused awkwardly. "But Fang has proved to me that he's a very brave and strong dog, so you guys should be fine." Hagrid finished calmly. Malfoy looked up at him like Hagrid was crazy. "You'll be fine." Hagrid said unconvincely. "Well off you go, take the picture and your wands." Hagrid said. "Oh and if anything happens, send red sparks into the sky. Good luck." And with that Malfoy, Fang and I started walking into the forest.

At first the moonlight came in through the trees, so I could see the tall trees and plants, but as we walked further, the light went away.
"Lumos." I whispered, and a light flickered from the end of my wand. Malfoy did the same. "This is servant stuff." He groaned.
"It's called detention." I sighed.
"I know what it's-." Malfoy was cut off by a loud howl. We both froze and pointed are wands at each other.
"What was that." Malfoy whispered.
"I think it was a warewol-" I started.
"I know what it's call-" The howl went again. Malfoy came closer to me. "Malfoy are you scared." I said almost laughing. He blushed. "NOO! I was just wondering." He stomped off in front of me.
"Malfoy there's a werewolf!" I said. He screamed well I laughed. "I'm only kidding Malfoy, let me go first." I said well walking in front of Malfoy.

As we walked in the forest, the howls only seemed to get louder and louder, but I knew Warewolves lived in the middle of the forest, and we were no where near the middle. The middle of the forest was where the biggest tree was, and you could clearly tell.
We walked on for what seemed like forever till I saw a flower. "Malfoy look!"
It was just like the one the drawing. The petals glowing bright, almost blinding to look at. "Woah!" Malfoy exclaimed.
I picked the flower. "We better keep going, Hagrid said it attracted some creatures. Malfoy quickly ran ahead.

A few minutes later the howling seemed close, like really close. Malfoy seemed at ease now, because I told him the sign of when the Werewolves were close.
As we were walking in silence, sometimes the occasional bickering, something told me to look around. The forest was dark almost pitch black, except for my wand. As I turned behind me I saw an animal. Luckily it didn't see me at first, because if it did, I'd be dead.

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