Chapter 10

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The Hogwarts year would soon end, and exams were coming up. The talk on Malfoy and I in the woods had died down after a whole month. It was finally the weekend after a long week of preparing for the exams, we needed it, but it wasn't much of a break. Exams were this week so I was studying like crazy! The occasional times I looked out the window, I saw the sun shining. It was a beautiful day. Usually on a day like this everyone would be outside doing something, but because of exams, not a single person was enjoying the weather.

The day flew by till it was 5:00. Everyone was still in their same positions from 8:00am this morning. Kendal and I, on my bed with books and papers sprawled out all over the place. My hair was in a big orange poof, because I didn't brush it. I had gotten dressed this morning, but that was the only thing I had gotten done.
Hazel and Erin were on their own beds, reading text books from different classes. There was a bowl in the middle full of chips that we were snacking on as well.

"Hey guys." I said to Kendal, Erin and Hazel. Their heads snapped up, because no one had really talked about anything other than school all day. Most of the sentences started with do you think I should make a chart of this? Or Can you go over these flash cards with me?

"Does anyone want to go on a short study break and walk outside with me?"
"Yes please." Kendal said jumping to her feet. The two other girls shook their heads.
I took a hand full of chips, as we went out of the room. The common room was full of studying kids, who didn't even notice us go out.

Kendal and I walked on outside. Since it was almost summer the sun hardly started setting yet. Down the hill I saw Hagrid's house.
"Hey wanna go see Hagrid." I asked. "Sure." Kendal replied. We walked down and knocked on the door. "Kendal, Rose come on in." Hagrid said in a friendly voice. He made us some tea and we sat down. "Oh sorry again Rose about the- you know." I knew exactly what he was talking about. Hagrid had mentioned the werewolf incident every time I saw him and I really just wanted to forget about it. "Look Hagrid, it happened and I'm still here you don't have to keep apologizing." I said a bit annoyed.
Hagrid looked up and then changed the conversation.
"Hows studying for the exam goin?" Hagrid asked. "Good" Kendal and I replied.
Then a question popped in my head. I had been wondering why Hagrid did this for a long time. I took this moment to ask the question.
"Why did you pair me with Malfoy for the unicorn project?" I asked. "You know, or I thought you knew I hate him."
No one said anything for a moment. Hagrid took a deep breath before speaking.
"Ya Rose, I do know you hate him but you'll understand in the future why."
What did he mean. This wasn't helping me or Malfoy at all, this was just a way of getting more detentions. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"When you nod your head yes but-" Kendal sang. Hagrid and I both looked at her.
"Sorry muggle born, love Justin beiber." I stared at her. "Carry on." She said awkwardly.
"Hagrid what do you mean i'll understand in the future, just tell me now." I said getting frustrated, I hated it when there was something I didn't know.
"I don't need to explain anything Rose, you'll just know in the future." Hagrid said very sure of himself.
I was so confused. Why would being anywhere near Malfoy befit anyone, in any way. I was going to known stop think about this, but I pretended to shrug it off.
"Ya ok Hagrid, whatever you say, I think we should go." I stood up and Kendal followed. We walked over to the door. "Nice seeing you Hagrid!" Kendal said.
"You to Kendal!" Hagrid said joyfully. "And Rose you will thank me." I turned around and shut the door. Was Hagrid going insane or was I? I was so curious on what he meant. How was he so sure of the future.
"Any idea what he meant?" Kendal asked, shaking me out of my daze. "No idea." I replied. We both laughed well walking up back to the castle.

As we walked into the castle, hardly anyone was there because of studying for exams and all.
"Oh Kendal I have to go to the library, but I'll meet you back in our dorm ok." I said running towards the library. I heard an ok behind me well I kept going.
The new book I wanted came out today, and I wanted to be the first one to get it.

Lots of people were in the library as I thought. Students were getting books on certain things to help with exams. I found the book I wanted and got in line. It was a very big line. Sadly I was at the end of it. By the time I got out, the sun has set all the way down. When I came out of the library students were already in their common room.

As I walked through the halls, the paintings seemed to follow me with their eyes. I stepped on the stairs, looking back on the pictures until something else caught my eye. Someone was on a forth floor about to enter the room. This time there was no one around and I couldn't help it, I was very curious. I crept behind the person and no surprise, it was Malfoy. When he touched the handle to the door, I gasped. He spun around, but I put a finger to my mouth.
"I wanna know to." I whispered. "Plus if you don't let me come I'll tell on you."
He nodded and opened the door.

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