Chapter 15

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A\N- So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'll try to update more.

The next month of summer went great. Sleepovers with my friends, campfires, games, and of course practicing for quittich. Malfoy and I of course had occasional fights (like usual). My favorite month of the summer though was defiantly August. Malfoy finally went home, honestly its like he lives here!

I lay in my bed thinking about what tomorrow would be like. Tomorrow id be starting my third year at Hogwarts. My family told me, that's the year when everything changes. You get to go to Hogsmede, choose your classes and I was a teenager. 13 years old!

In between the summer of 12-13 kids changed a lot. Clothes, voices and many more. I just hoped my friends hadn't changed to much.

Mean while Lily, Roxanne and Hugo would be starting their first year at Hogwarts. They wouldn't shut up about it all summer. It got a bit annoying actually. Most Hogwarts things they talked about were: What house do you think i'll be in? I can't wait to use magic! We'll finally be big kids!

Also the quittich tryouts would be coming up soon. I had trained hard all summer with James, Fred, Albus and unfortunately Malfoy. Who was also trying out. James and Fred were on the team last year, but you have to try out every year.

After about 2 hours of thoughts flying all over my head, they finally seemed to slow down, as I drifted off into my dreams. Also known as sleep.


"Rose time to wake up!" I saw Albus at the foot of my bed. Before I got up I took a look at him. His black messy hair almost covered his stinging green eyes. Though his hair was messy, it seemed to be placed there. When I stood up I realized how tall he was now. When we were 11, I was 2 inches taller than him. Now he was about 3 inches taller than me! I never really noticed any of this until now.

"Come on Rose, today we're starting our third year, get ready!" With that I heard loud foot steps going down stairs. I put on my Gryfinndor robes and brushed my poofy orange hair.
My mom walked in and threw me a bottle. "Hey sweetie use some of this." I looked at it. Anti Frizz. I put some in so it looked more wavy and smooth.

I ran down stairs and ate a quick breakfast. I was excited for Hogwarts, but not as excited as Lily, Roxanne and Hugo. They were already ready and the door, begging to go.

Finally after a while everyone was ready and out the door. At 10:50 we were finally at Kings Cross station. With everyone rushing, I didn't have to stand around for a hour Hugging everyone. When you have a big family, goodbyes take a while.

Albus and I ran up to the train just as it started to move. We waved goodbye to our families till we couldn't see them anymore. I turned to Roxanne, Hugo and Lily.

"Alright so these are the-" before I could finish, all 3 of them ran off to find seats. I sighed, "so much for showing them around."

"It's their first year, let them explore." Albus replied. I smiled thinking of our first year, and how Malfoy ruined a completely good train ride. "OK now where are they." Albus asked getting me out of my daze. We looked in each compartment hoping to find our friends... and Malfoy.

"Over here!" I turned to see a compartment with Kendal, Hazel and Erin. Albus and I went in. I gave Kendal, Erin and Hazel a big hug. As I was hugging Hazel, Albus and Kendal had an awkward hug. Hazel, Erin and I all eyed each other. Kendal interrupted the awkward pause.

"So where's Scorpius?"

"Why did you have to mention him!" I groaned. "Oh that reminds me." Albus said. "There's someone I want you to meet. He left and a few minutes later came back with Malfoy and someone else. He then introduced that face we didn't recognize. "Everyone this is Luke. Luke this is, Hazel, Erin, Kendal and my cousin Rose."

"How'd you guys meet?" I asked. Albus answered. "You know that summer camp I went to?"
"-the boys magic overnight one?" Kendal cut in.
"Ya.... " Albus looked at Kendal suspiciously. "Anyway well I met Luke and found out he was transferring to Hogwarts this year!" Albus exclaimed.
Luke had dark brown, smooth hair. His skin was tan but his eyes popped out because they were a soft blue. When I looked over at Erin I could tell she was mezmorized.
"Hi..." She managed to get out. He grinned. "Hey."
We all sat down. Erin, Kendal, Hazel and I, Across from Luke, Albus and Malfoy.
Malfoy had changed since last time I saw him.
He was 6 inches taller than me, and switched his hair so the front part was sticking up. I could tell he also noticed how my hair went from huge puff ball to smooth and wavy.
I stopped myself from looking at him, and joined the conversation that was going on.


A while later the train finally stopped. I looked up from my book. "We're here!" I exclaimed.
We all filed out of the train. I saw the first years going over to the boats. I tried to wave to Hugo, but he seemed to excited with everything going on. His curly brown hair bobbing up and down, he also had a huge smile printed on his face.

"Wonder what house they'll get in." Albus whispered to me, as we were walking into the great hall. Suddenly I was very nervous for them. "Probably Gryfinndor." Albus glared at me. "Or Slytherin who really knows...." I gave him a smile.

Then boys and girls separated. Girls to Gryfinndor table, boys to Slytherin table.

Everyone was talking but as soon as Professor Mcgonagall walked in, everyone went quiet. After she explained everything to the first years, the sorting began.

I wasn't really paying any attention till I heard my brothers name. "Weasley, Hugo". A moment later out of the crowd, I saw my little brother nervously walk up. His usually joyful face was full of worry. Finally he sat on the stool and Professor Mcgonagall put the sorting hat on his head.
"Oh another Weasley." The hat said sounding bored. "You produce like bunnies!" Everybody laughed. Then the hat went silent, probably  talking in Hugo's head.
"Gryfinndor" The hat yelled. I clapped and gave Hugo a big hug as he sat down.

The sorting went on and all my cousins got into Gryfinndor. I looked at Roxanne, Lily and Hugo together as the found out they were all in Gryfinndor. They were so happy, I started to wish that's how my sorting went. Albus and I together in Gryfinndor. Then that Malfoy never would have been in our lives! But it is, what it is. I believe things always happen for a reason. Maybe Albus being in Slytherin will some how be good. So far it hasn't, but I'll just have to keep waiting.

Albus and I walked up with our family to the Gryfinndor common room, (of course Malfoy following behind). Then the boys left and we all went to bed.

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