Chapter 5

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Monday morning arrived sooner than I had hoped and I wasn't looking forward to the day. Getting ready wasn't really a hassle considering we had to wear uniform. I frowned at the khaki pants and maroon short sleeve shirt Sydney put in my closet the night before. I always felt that people should have the right to individuality and being forced to wear a uniform takes away that right.

"Suck it up it's better than being tortured at home," my subconscious told me.

I straightened my hair before putting on my clothes and doing my makeup.

I grabbed my new iPhone off the nightstand, putting it in my purse. Yesterday, I decided to get a new phone just in case my old one could be tracked. I knew my mother wouldn't invade my privacy like that but Shane would.

Looking in the mirror one more time, I grabbed my backpack and joined everyone in the dining room.

"Good morning, Lydia." Justin greeted with a smile.

"Morning." I replied giving him a small smile in return.

"Lyd, I told Stanley he should drive us early so I can help you find your locker and your classes before school starts." Xavier told me.

"Oh okay. Thanks that's really--nice."

He smiles and shrugs. "Sure thing, Sis."

I rolled my eyes at the new nickname he'd given me and chewed on an apple. After we were done eating, I followed Xavier out front to a black limo.

"I can never take my car to school can I?" I asked as we got in.

Xavier chuckled. "Yeah you can, if you want to be made fun of and then I'd say I didn't know you."

I laughed lightly at his teasing as Stanley got in the car and started driving. On the way, Xavier told me about some of the teachers and asked to see my class list.

"We have chemistry and gym together and I think Sadie is taking art as well." He states.

"At least I won't be alone for the whole day." I sigh.

"You'll do great if anyone messes with you let me know okay?"

I glance over at him, his facial expression serious.

"Okay.." I reply.

Stanley pulls up to a two-story wide building. AV Prep had a limestone exterior, huge campus, and farther down was the beach.

"You go to school on the beach?!" I asked Xavier in awe.

"Yeah cool right?"

I nod vigorously and he chuckles. We get out and Xavier leads me to the office. As I look around, I see only a few students milling around. I check my phone and see we're practically an hour early.

Once we enter the office, one of the secretaries gives me my gym clothes and a paper for all my teachers to sign. After that, we go find my locker. It takes me three times to open my locker and I glare at Xavier every time he laughs.

I put all my things away, only taking the things I need for homeroom and english.

"Alright did you need help finding your homeroom?" Xavier asks as we walk to his locker.

"I don't think so. I know the room number so I should be fine."

He nods and puts his stuff away. "Well everything's alphabetical so you're in A-M if that helps.

"What are you in?" I question.


"Wait, what's your last name?"

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