Chapter Five

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Ohhhhh *twilight zone music begins* the typically 'every-teenage-romance-has-one' party scene duhn duhn duhhhhnnnnn..... 



Dustin's P.O.V

Oh my god! 

No, someone stop me. 

Stop her from dragging me. 

Help, I'm being kidnapped! 

Oh Lord, please, I just want to go home. I don't want to be here! Can anyone hear me? 

Of course not, because I'm just screaming in agony within my own head. And I don't know any mind-readers. 

I chanced a glance over at Aisling as we walked through the front door into the very busy and very noisy house party. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. People were turning and looking at us, mouth's dropping open. They were looking from Aisling to me and back, gaping. She didn't seem to notice, or if she did she didn't show it as she dragged me further into the house. 

I spotted Jane in the corner with a few other people from the 'popular' table; they were glaring at Aisling, for she still had her arm hooked into mine. I tried to pull it free but Aisling only clutched me tighter.

"Its fine," she scowled. I didn't like that my presence was causing them to look at her like that, which in turn was what was making her frown.

"You should have come on your own," I muttered.

"I wasn't coming here without you," she grumbled back. My heart lifted. She was so nice. 

Then I saw him and stopped dead in my tracks. 

Memphis Dorian was standing not too far away next to his best friend Rory. He wore a tight plain black Tee and blue jeans, and a leather jacket. 

God he was HOT! He looked so good out of uniform. I had the urge to go and begin licking him but had to force myself not to. 

Rory and Memphis were watching us. Actually Rory was just watching Aisling and frowning again. My stomach flipped.

My sudden halt caused Aisling to fling back into my chest.

"Ah, why did you stop?" she moaned and then laughed, rubbing her forehead, because she'd smacked right into my collar bone. I couldn't trust myself to speak, so I turned and walked away into the next room.

"Dustin!" Aisling called after me. I ignored her as I walked through the kitchen, past a group playing a drinking game, and into the dining room. Aisling caught up to me then. She yanked on my arm and the force spun me around to face her. 

When I'd turned, I'd had to pull back, she was suddenly very close. I was a good head taller than her, but she didn't seem as aware of personal boundaries as I was, and looking right up into my face. My ears ached from the silence that had suddenly fallen around us but I didn't take my eyes off of Aisling, in fear of seeing everyone else looking at us. My heart was racing.

"You're just going to storm off and leave me?" she fake sobbed, a smile playing on her lips, but there was concern in her eyes. 

She grabbed onto my arm again tightly. I could feel everyone watching us, and it made me so nervous I felt sick. Not that I wasn't used to being stared at; I was very used to a lot of negative attention. But that was at school. I was prepared for it at school. This was way out of my comfort zone. 

I saw Rory appear through the door with Memphis at his shoulder. Everyone seemed to be waiting for me to speak.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I mumbled to my new found friend.

"Well, that's good then," she giggled. Rage flashed over Rory's face. Did he like her? She reached up on her tippy toes and touched the tip of her nose to mine. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, reeling away from her; forgetting for a second to be quiet because people were watching.

"Dustin, relax, I'm not going to kiss you," she giggled. "As much as I might want to. You're so cute!"

I felt my face burn - my eyes wide. 

Oh my god, did she really just say that? 

I glanced over at Memphis; the side of his mouth twitched into a smile before going back to his usual blank expression. I burst out laughing out of lack of anything better to do, and at the bizarreness of this whole situation. It seemed to help. 

People started murmuring. Aisling kissed my nose. 

"So, is this a party or what?" she asked everyone. The music came back on and people continued to rock on - or whatever you do at high school parties. 

Rory came over to us.

"What was that about?" he asked her. I could practically see the jealous green seeping out of him. She seemed oblivious.

"What?" she raised her eyebrows at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why did you bring him?" Rory growled. Memphis came over and grabbed his mate's shoulder, trying to rein him in, but without saying a word.

"He's my new best friend. Don't like it? Then fuck off," Aisling stated. She turned to me and grabbed my hand, leading me away. I looked over my shoulder to see his hurt expression. I sent him an apologetic one and hoped it looked normal before we disappeared around the corner.

"You should at least try and let your friends understand," I told her as she stomped ahead of me.

"They'll come around," she muttered begrudgingly. 

"Ash!" Rory cried from behind us as if to prove Aisling's point. She whirled, still dragging me, and went back up the hall to face Rory. I felt like an accessory at this point.

"Yes, Rory?" she huffed. He looked her over, still frowning, and then seemed to realize she wasn't going to back down any time soon.

"Can I get you a drink?" he tried to smile. She loosened her grip on me and smiled back. Her smile seemed to smooth the creases on Rory's forehead. I wasn't surprised, she was very pretty.

"I guess," she mused, teasing. "So long as Dustin can join!" Rory froze, then glanced at me. He seemed to give in and accept me, or at least as much as he was willing to right now. He'd probably already had a few drinks, which probably helped. He shrugged and Aisling let go of me and threw her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"You're the best Rory," she giggled. That hit Rory alright; the rest of the night he had a permanent grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear.

"So a blueberry vodka cruiser then?" Rory asked her.

"If they have any here," Aisling shrugged.

"Mission accepted," he saluted and wondered off. 

He came back a few minutes later with Memphis. 


But I didn't ask him to get me a drink? 

Ew Dustin, not in public. 

I mentally face-palmed at myself for being so thirsty.


Mouki out~

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