Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter contains extreme cuteness, mild male nudity and a shower scene! Proceed at your own risk!

haahahahahaah enjoy my little minions!!!! VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU WANT MORE CHAPTERS LIKE THIS ONE!

Song on side that Memphis plays >>>>>>>



Memphis' P.O.V

I was walking along the road side by side with Dustin. 

Actually, Dustin was skipping happily off in his own little world, humming what sounded like a Disney song. My cheeks hurt from suppressing smile after smile, until I finally gave in. It just felt so good, smiling and laughing with Dustin. 

I shouldn't let my emotions show. I knew the negative ones would come bubbling to the surface too, sooner or later. I just hoped I could manage them when they did. 

But I'd come to the realisation that Dustin was worth fighting for, and I didn't want to let him slip through my fingers.

We reached my house and my heart groaned in protest. Dustin wavered, bouncing on his feet in front of me, smiling so cutely.

"The movie is at 7-P-M," he said, swaying from side to side with his hands in his jeans pockets. I wanted to grab him there and then, push him up against a wall and claim him. But I couldn't, and I wouldn't. I wouldn't do anything without his consent.

"Okay, do you want me to meet you there?" I asked him.

"No, I'll come around and pick you up, provided you don't mind walking?" He seemed a lot calmer all of a sudden. He lifted one hand and rubbed the back of his neck just under his hairline. It was an attractive gesture. I coughed, and smiled.

"Not at all," I said, and he chuckled, his whole body shaking. I loved how when he laughed his whole body felt it. I wanted to feel it...

Not in that way...

Okay, a little in that way...

Okay, a lot, but I'm not referring to that in particular right this very second.

"Cool, see you around 6 then?" Dustin asked. 

I nodded, and then turned to my house. I wanted to look over my shoulder and see his smiling face one last time, but I knew I'd have plenty of time for that later on tonight. I walked into the house, and mum was sitting on the staircase.

"Hey, mum," I smiled to her and she looked up at me, smiling back.

"Hey, darling, how was school?" she asked, distractingly.

"Fine," I told her and went into the kitchen for snacks. Dad walked in then, rubbing his sleepy eyes with his hand and went straight to the coffee machine. Mum and dad were both in their pyjamas. My parents worked night shifts in the hospital so I only ever saw them when I got home from school because that's when they woke up for work. I liked it though, I liked having the house to myself.

"Hey, dad," I said as he poured himself a mug of coffee.

"How was school?" he asked me distractedly.

"Fine," I replied blankly.

"That's good," he replied, and shuffled out of the room. 

I made myself noodles and ate them standing at the counter with chopsticks. Then I glanced at the time, it was quarter to five. I quickly washed my bowl and went to my room to pick something to wear. I picked a pair of blue jeans and my favourite band T-shirt, and, of course, my leather jacket. It still smelt like Dustin, and it was so good.

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