Chapter Twelve

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Oh Memphis *sob sob* good puppy! *hugs*

the song Memphis plays on the side so check it out and dance along with Memphis in all his sexiness!!!!!!! Vote and comment if you want a Memphis or a Dustin or your own!!!!!



Memphis' P.O.V

Dustin wasn't at school today. 

He hadn't been at school yesterday or the day before. 

This was good thing for me. It meant I didn't have to go out of my way to avoid him. But something felt strange, like it was missing. What was it? 

I kept smelling that smell from the jacket when Dustin had given it back. It was cinnamon right? It smelt good anyway. Why did I keep smelling it? Dustin wasn't even here. It was like it was haunting me wherever I went. 

I walked out into the hall from the classroom and Ash bounded down the corridor and jumped into my arms.

"Dustin's coming back to school tomorrow," she cried and hugged me tightly. I wanted to smile, but I didn't. I couldn't wait to get home where I could be free and open and not worry about people seeing any emotion. 

The bell went to end school and the hallway filled with students.

"See ya, Ash," I said to her and headed to the front doors. 

A hand grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me aside. I looked down to see Rebecca smiling up at me and licking her lips in a way she thought was sexy, but wasn't.

"You've been avoiding me, you bad boy," she giggled in what she thought was a seductive voice. I rolled my eyes.

"That's because we broke up, Becks," I told her and tried to walk away.

"And I told you, I'm not giving up that easily," she said and pulled me back.

"Why not? The whole time we were together you demanded me to open up with you and complained I never showed you any emotions. I'm not changing, so what's the point?" I asked her, getting frustrated but keeping up my poker face. She brushed her fingers over my cheek.

"You're hot," she said simply, unashamed. I flung her hand away from me and walked right out of the school and kept going, not looking back. 

I walked home with my hands in my jeans pockets and my head wondering around the place. Why did things have to be so complicated? I needed to control myself. I couldn't let Dustin continue to sweep me away. It was too dangerous. I wasn't going to let history repeat itself. 

But he was so cute. I couldn't help myself when I was around him, and he was beginning to realise that, which was all the more dangerous. If he knew he had that kind of power over me, and used it, it would put me in jeopardy. 

But, damn, he was cute. With his adorable little dimples, and his sweet little laugh. 

I smiled; then shook my head. I'm still in public.

"I saw that," a cute little voice said and I looked to the side to see Dustin sitting on a swing and smiling sweetly at me. My heart sighed as I looked him over.

"So what were you thinking about that made you smile?" he asked as he stood and came over to me. I blushed and turned away so he wouldn't see. 

"I didn't smile," I said simply and in a kind of bored way. Dustin laughed and it sounded like... something surreal. Like heaven. Which only made me look at him again.

"Sure, whatever," he grinned at me and stood beside me. I looked him over.

"All better?" I asked him. He didn't look like he was in any pain.

"Well, at least my ribs aren't cracked anymore," he chuckled and lifted his shirt up so I could see a very big bad bruise that stretched from the middle of his stomach and across one side of his ribs. I cringed.

"Ouch! Ash is going to feel so bad tomorrow," I said and looked away before it became impossible for me to turn my head away from his beautiful body.

"It wasn't her fault, I shouldn't have tackled her," he laughed. He was so close to me, I could feel his body warmth. I needed to get away from him before he got to me. I started walking, and he followed beside me. 

Just then Dustin tripped over his shoelace and I caught his arm before he could fall. I yanked to try and counter the fall, and he landed against my chest. The touch of our chests together made my heart pound as I looked down into his soft blue eyes. He was staring back at mine, wide eyed in surprise. He was in my arms. I was holding him in my arms. 

"Wow, thanks for that, that would have been painful," he chuckled. I smirked down at his handsome face, lost in the moment. 

"You should be more careful or you'll kill yourself," I teased. 

"Why should I, when I have you to protect me?" he giggled. Then Dustin went up on his tip toes and kissed me on the cheek. His lips were warm against my skin. 

"My hero," he sighed dramatically and then took a step back, burst into more laughter and then waved at me.

"See you at school tomorrow," he said to me and walked off. I was too stunned to say anything back. 

He... just... kissed... my... cheek... and... called... me... his... hero...! HOW CUTE! I smiled so wide I think I scared away the bird that was perched on the fence nearby, because it flew away. Oh well. 

Wow, did I just say that? Did I just say I didn't care if someone saw me smile? Na, that's impossible. I was going to have to be more careful now. I couldn't just let him touch me like that or I'll be ruined.

I continued on home and went up to my room and shut the door. Finally I could let it all out. I went over to my CD played and turned it on, 'Rebel Yell – Billy Idol' blasted through the speakers and I pulled off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and danced around to it. 

I let all my worries wash away and imagined Dustin here with me, dancing and not giving a fuck about anything. I imagined I could be myself in front of him. I could share my secrets with him and laugh and smile with him openly. I imagined he wouldn't hurt me like the last one. That he would never betray or abuse me. I imagined I was happy and safe in his arms and no one could touch us. 

The song finished and I fell onto my bed breathless, and felt sad. That was of course just a dream and it would never become reality. I could never trust anyone enough to be that open with them ever again. I didn't even let my best friend in. It was just never going to happen. 

But Dustin's face still lingered in my mind, the feel of his soft lips against my cheek, his voice when he laughed and called me his hero. My jeans suddenly felt tight and I sat up, shaking my head. 

Oh Jeez, save me from this hell I was living. 

There was a crash from the other room and then some shouting. Great, dad was awake. As if it couldn't get worse. 


Things aren't as simple as they appear...

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