Chapter Nine

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Here's the next one! 

Mmmm shirtless men *wipes drool from chin* I mean what? 



Dustin's P.O.V

When I'd woken this morning, I was excited about getting to see Memphis sweat it out on the field with a lot of other fit men. 

Now, driving along the road with the high school in sight, I suddenly felt the urge to turn around, run home and throw up - and not necessarily in that order. Aisling noticed me tense and touched my knee soothingly.

"You won't even notice he's there," she tried to reassure me, with an evil smile. 

Like hell I wont. I only have a built in sensory system that tells me 24/7 where his exact location is if he's in a 100m radius of me. 

I pulled up into the school parking lot and slouched back, leaving the engine running.

"Okay, so I'll just drop you off here..." I started saying. Before I could finish speaking, however, Aisling reached across me and grabbed my door, shoving it open, and then undid my seat-belt. 

She shoved me out onto the road before turning off the engine, stealing my keys and hopping out. I sighed, picked myself up and closed the car door so Aisling could lock it. She was surprisingly strong for her size.

"I'm holding these hostage," she smiled at me innocently, waving my keys at me. 

Innocent my ass! 

I followed her around the school to the football field, dragging my feet the whole way there. 

The stands were pretty packed considering, full of eager parents here to watch their special little boys doing athletics. I scanned the crowd while wondering if Memphis' parents were here. If they were I wouldn't know, I don't know what they look like. 

I reluctantly took a seat next to Aisling in the middle of the stands. Both teams were on the field - ours in the blue, them in the red - and they were doing stretches and warming up while the crowds settled in their seats. I spotted Memphis right away, a little away from his group bouncing the ball off his chest and knees and feet. 

I spotted Rory then, jogging over to Memphis and stealing his ball with a mid air kick. Then they were off chasing each other for the ball across the field. Rory tripped Memphis playfully and then ran off with the ball. Memphis picked himself up, glanced at the crowd and then ran off after him. Rory started shouting cheers for his team and his school, and running around the pitch, as Memphis chased him. Everyone in the stands were laughing and watching them. 

As if I needed an excuse to pay more attention to him...

"So I came, now can I go?" I asked her with my puppy dog eyes.

"No," was all she said in reply.

"But Benjamin will get lonely by himself," I whined.

"He's a big boy, he can last a few hours without you," she smiled.

"A few hours?" I gasped. "I never would have come if you told me it was going to last that long."

"I know, that's why I didn't tell you." Aisling grinned evilly and looked back to the field. I glared at her, pouting, and then looked back to find Memphis holding Rory in a head lock. 

God, he was gorgeous, especially in this morning sunshine with the golden rays in his black hair. Okay, so maybe this wasn't going to be too bad after all.

Falling For A Sex God (BOYxBOY) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now