Chapter Two

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Aisling's P.O.V

I looked back over my shoulder before ducking into class. Dustin was disappearing around the corner at the end of the hallway.

I couldn't believe he agreed to be my friend. I was so happy.

Ever since coming to this school, Dustin had intrigued me. I admired the way he chose to be open about who he was, even if it meant in this small town everyone would hate him, or distance themselves from him. The kid had far more guts than anyone else around. Far more than I thought I had.

But finally I'd plucked up the courage to approach him, and offer the hand of friendship. I knew there would be repercussions. I knew there were people in my so called 'friend group' who would disapprove, but I wanted to be brave.

I wanted to be around good people like Dustin, and not trashy fake people anymore.

I took my seat next to Jane and in front of Memphis. Though I turned around in my seat to talk to Memphis - instead of Jane - like I normally did in this class.

There was something about this mysterious good looking boy that intrigued me. He wasn't a big talker. He was private for a jock; preferring to keep to himself most of the time. It made me think he had some deep dark secret. And that made me insanely curious.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jane rounded on me, yanking on my arm. I turned a confused face to her.

"Talking to Memphis... like always?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. I knew what she meant, and I had to have courage. I was going to stand up for what was right, no matter what she said. No matter what anyone said. I'd made up my mind.

"No, with that fag," she spat. I rolled my eyes. Here it comes.

"I'm making a new friend," I smiled, ignoring her abrasive tone; and attitude.

"But wont he... you know... rub off on you?" she hissed. I tossed my head back and laughed. I felt Memphis watching us warily.

"Don't be such an idiot," I scoffed. "This isn't the dark ages anymore. You know can't catch being gay, you're born that way. Besides, if you haven't noticed, I'm a straight female. If it was contagious - which it isn't - it wouldn't make a difference, I already like guys. It'd only affect me if I talked to a lesbian. And Dustin isn't a lesbian."

Jane glared at me, sending mental daggers at me with her eyes. I turned around to face the front, crossing my arms over my chest.

I don't care what they think. Friends? Yeah right, bloody hypocrites.

The teacher walked in right then to begin today's lesson. The end of school couldn't come fast enough.

The next day I walked into the cafeteria in a better mood, a small smile on my face. Jane was beside me, still in a fowl mood since I'd told her yesterday I planned to sit with Dustin at lunch today. Memphis was following behind us, mutual - and quiet - on all topics as per usual.

I glanced around the room idly, noting my usual table towards the back. Rory waved to me when our eyes met, wanting me to go over and join him, pointing to a seat he'd saved for me on his right.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. Rory had been so kind to me lately, and I was going to leave him hanging. But I had to stand my ground.

Jane reckoned he liked me - I reckoned she was wrong. He was just being the sweetie he was.

My eyes continued around the room and stopped on Dustin sitting by himself. He was looking at me with a blank expression; but uncertainty was in his eyes. I smiled and waved to him, and he lifted his hand in a sort of half-hearted wave back.

Jane scoffed and pushed past me, going over to Rory and the others. But Memphis lingered. He grabbed my elbow and turned me half towards him. I looked up into his ocean blue eyes, and found myself momentarily lost in them. Memphis really was gorgeous.

"You're going to make yourself a lot of enemies if you do this, you know that, Ash," he spoke in his soft husky voice. He was always so mysterious.

"I don't care. The poor boy has been shunned his entire school life. I want to help him. How can everyone be so cruel? He's so nice," I frowned up at him.

I'd hoped he was a better person than this. But Memphis shrugged and wondered off to join the others. I headed in a different direction, going over to Dustin and sitting down beside him.

"Hey," I smiled and took his juice box, opening it and taking a sip before putting it back on his tray. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Uh, hi," he muttered. I glanced over his shoulder, everyone was starring at me and Rory was frowning. Memphis just looked blank; his eyes followed our every move.

"So, keen for English next?" I asked him, adjusting in my seat. Dustin bit his bottom lip.

Oh, that's right, Mr. Jones had told us to find partners at the end of our last lesson for today's pair task. I reached out and touched Dustin's hand sitting on top of the table.

"Need a partner?" I asked him, smiling warmly. He nodded. "Then partner with me."

Dustin raised his eyebrows even further; I thought maybe they'd get lost in his hair if they went any higher. I let his hand go and started on some lunch.

"Unless you'd rather partner with Fred," I chuckled, glancing to the empty seat beside me. Dustin smiled.

"He wont mind if I leave him behind this once," he chuckled. His laugh was cute, sweet. I sat back, releasing his arm, and chanced a glance at the others. They were still watching on in horror. Screw them.

"So what're you doing this weekend? Are you going to Jay's party?" That sounded like a chatty question, right? I knew he wouldn't be of course; that was my subtle way of asking him to come with me before I demanded it.

"No," Dustin mumbled, shaking his head profusely - horrified.

"Well then, be my plus one," I smiled to him.

Rory appeared then at our table, standing between Dustin and I; with his back to Dustin.

"Hey, Ash," he said, ignoring Dustin completely.

"Hi, Rory," I said a little too hard for friendly, gritting my teeth a little. How rude of him!

"What're you doing over here? Come sit with your friends," he said to me, giving me a friendly smile. Dustin hung his head.

"I am sitting with my friend," I glared back at Rory. So much for him being a nice guy.

Dustin gave a little smile as he blushed in the shadow of the hair hanging over his face.

"You mean this fa- I mean, Dustin?" Rory scoffed. I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest, showing I had no plans of budging.

"It's okay, you can go sit with them," Dustin mumbled.

"See, he said you can come," Rory grinned.

"I'm staying right here. The sooner you all accept that, the better," I glared.

Rory gaped at me, clearly offended. That's right boy, be shocked, I don't care. He seemed to look me over, thinking intently, then shrugged and turned to go back to the others.

"You didn't have to do that," Dustin whispered. I leaned towards him.

"Yes, I did," I told him. He looked up then, searching my eyes and smiled.

"You're really serious about being my friend, aren't you? What if they abandon you? What if they start bullying you too?" Dustin looked really upset. I touched his hand once more to comfort him.

"Yeah, I am serious. And if they can't accept it then they were never really my friends to begin with, and I don't care what anyone else says or does about it."

I took Dustin's juice box and finished it. "I'll get you a new one," I added and stood to head over to the lunch counter.


I hope if you're reading this for a second time, you like the new improvements. And if you're here for the first time;

Welcome! And I hope you're enjoying it so far.

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