Chapter Eleven

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Memphis with stumble >>>>



Dustin' P.O.V

Memphis was avoiding me.

And not just in a 'we-aren't-friends-I-just-know-your-friends' kind of way, and more of a 'I-don't-want-to-be-around-you' kind of way, and that hurt. 

I was sitting in English starring at the whiteboard and hoping the time would tick by quickly because it was last period. Ash was sitting beside me chatting with Rory, who was sitting behind her. 

Memphis was behind me and I could feel him there; I could feel his presence. My Spidey senses were tingling. And it was killing me. Just for once I wished I wasn't crazy hyper aware of him. Just this once would be nice. It wasn't like I asked for much. 

I put my head down onto my desk and moaned. Time was deliberately going slow to defy me, it was deliberately prolonging my torture, I just knew it. It was so typical. 

"What's wrong?" Ash asked me, patting my back. I just groaned at her and tried to shrug her hand off. This only made her wrap her arms around my waist and hug me.

"Nothing's wrong," I sighed.

"Dustin..." she pouted at me. It was crazy how well she knew me so quickly. I inclined my eyes towards Memphis behind me, and she understood. 

"And what would Benjamin say if he knew you had feelings for another?" she giggled, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Benjamin! I'm faithful, I swear!" I cried, leaping to my feet. Everyone in the room turned and laughed at me. 

"Quiet down back there," the teacher called to us. I tried to sit back down, but I missed the seat and fell off my chair and landed on my butt.

"Ow!" I whined in a very camp way. Ash laughed and joined me on the floor with her legs crossed. 

I glanced up at Memphis, and saw him quickly turn away from the class and cover his mouth with his hand. Success! I was getting under that shield of his. 

"You're so cute," Ash giggled. I put my hands on my hips, which wasn't as effective as I'd have liked since I was sitting down. 

"Don't call me cute," I pouted. 

"What about adorable?" she grinned. 

"I'll get you, and I'll make it look like an accident," I declared, launching myself at her. She fell backwards, laying down so that I was on top of her; she giggled and wriggled beneath me. In swift motion, Ash pulled both her knees up to block me, catching on against my ribs and the other in my pelvis. I gasped in pain, hissing, and pulled away from her, clutching my nether region.

"Oh, the agony!" I wailed in pain. "I'll never have children now." I was being dramatic, like always, but it really did freaking hurt. Pain was burning through my whole lower body.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Dustin," she cried and tried to fuss. I pushed her away with my hand and tried to stand. Pain shot through me and I winced, crouching back down.

"MISS!" Ash cried. Great, involve the teacher, not. 

Suddenly strong muscular arms were lifting me off of the ground and then cradled me in a princess hold. Oh god! I blushed as Memphis carried me out of the classroom and down the corridor.

"You can put me down," I pouted and looked right at his face, but secretly hoped he didn't.

"You can't even stand," he raised an eyebrow at me, almost mockingly.

Falling For A Sex God (BOYxBOY) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now