Chapter Seven

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Ten years on and I'm still in love with these characters. 



Dustin's P.O.V

I felt so awkward. 

I was just sitting here, on this damn log, saying and doing nothing. Aisling had abandoned me in my time of need to chat away with Rory. And I was left here completely unprepared - and sitting next to Memphis bloody Dorian. 

He was so close I could feel the heat coming off of him out here in the cold of the backyard. So close that I would barely have to tilt my body to the side and my arm would press against his. 

I wasn't going to do that of course. I was mental, but I wasn't that raving mad! Why hadn't I brought a jacket?

Memphis was moving. I fought so hard not to react; to look over at him. God, I was so bloody aware of him. He was like a beacon for my mind, for my body. He was a Greek god, and what was I? Pitiful. Pathetic. 

I flinched as something touched me. Looking up in surprise, Memphis was laying his jacket over my shoulders. I blinked at him, confusion flooding my mind.

"You'll catch a cold if you sit there like that," he said to me. To me! I was even more confused. 

"Why do you care?" I asked, then realised that that was totally rude and tried again. "I mean, I just thought that, I mean, well you-" I cut myself off before I could make an even bigger fool of myself. 

I had to give the jacket back. He might get cold now. I didn't mind suffering. I could suffer. As long as he didn't suffer, the cold wouldn't bother me. But God it was warm. I grabbed the edges of the jacket and wrapped it tighter around myself. And then the smell hit me. His smell. 

He smiled, and I was dazed again by those glorious features. The way the corners of those perfect lips curled up into a smile. It was a rare sight to see, and I savored it. He was close, his beautiful face barely a foot away from mine. I snuggled into the jacket, taking his scent in further. 

I was making an idiot of myself. He must have thought me a complete freaking weirdo, but this was probably the one and only chance I was ever going to get, so I had to take it. 

Memphis Dorian chuckled. It took my breath away. I'd never heard that before. The most alluring sound in the world. And judging by everyone else's reactions, neither had they. 

Memphis looked shocked at himself. 

"You just laughed?" Rory asked his best friend in absolute disbelief. 

"Shut up," Memphis growled at him. The sound was deep in his throat. It made me feel a little tingly. I couldn't decide which sound I liked better now - the laugh or the growl.

"But you never laugh, like ever," Rory pressed. 

I snapped out of my reverie. I had to say something, anything, to rescue Memphis. I knew him well enough through my stalking and observations to know that this wasn't okay for him. I didn't know why - and probably never would - but Memphis Dorian doesn't laugh. I had to save him. 

But I opened my mouth, and no words came out. 

"It must have been hilarious then," Aisling chimed in, being the heroine I had wanted to be. She looked at me, and I closed my mouth. Then Memphis looked at me too. 

Our eyes met, and my heart went wild. He truly was the most beautiful human being in the whole wide world. And I don't just mean looks. He's so sensitive, and kind, and shy. So secretive and mysterious. Ugh, I was in love.

Memphis Dorian cared enough about me being cold out here to lend me his jacket! Me! He was willing to sacrifice his own health to make sure I, Dustin the weirdo, was warm!

"Bathroom," Memphis mumbled, and took off back towards the house without another word. I watched after him longingly. 

Was it me who made him laugh? Me? Probably, I was that stupid. My mind just couldn't get over it though. No way, right? It couldn't have been because I was funny. It must've been because I'm so pitiful that he was forced to laugh at my weak pathetic mess of an existence. That was the most likely conclusion. 

I put my arms though Memphis' jacket's arms and cuddled it until I was aware of eyes on me. I glanced sideways to see Aisling grinning. The way she was doing it unnerved me. It was a mischievous grin if ever I saw one.

"What?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"What did you say to make him laugh?" she prompted curiously. I noted the amusement in her voice.

"Nothin'," I shied away into the big jacket that was clearly a few sizes too big for me, while blushing slightly. I was tall like Memphis - though not that tall - but I was skinny; he was built. He was the football captain after all. 

"Don't worry, I'll get it out of Memphis tonight," Rory winked to Aisling. Winking didn't suit him. 

"And I'll get it out of Dustin," she pledged to Rory, sounding like she was on a mission. She turned to me, grinning evilly even wider. Oh lord, someone help me! 

Someone's phone started to ring and Rory pulled his out to answer the incoming call.

"Hello?" he asked. "Yeah, are you sure? - Okay, be there in a minute - Dude, it's fine, I got your back. Yeah, sure." I wondered who'd called him. Was it Memphis? Was he okay? Should I go find out too? Rory hung up and rose from the log we were all seated on.

"Sorry guys, gotta go. Memphis and I have a game tomorrow so we better get some rest," Rory shrugged. Did he say guys? As in me too? He was including me now?

"Alright, night then." Aisling stood and brushed her hands on her jeans.

"Will you come to the game tomorrow?" Rory asked her hopefully. She glanced down at me, smiled and then looked back at him.

"We'll both be there." 

My stomach flipped. Wasn't this enough? Couldn't she just leave me alone? Why drag me to some stupid sports game too?

Oh wait. It was Memphis' sports game she was dragging me to. 

Memphis Dorian, running around a football field getting all sweaty and worked up. Oh, well, I guess I could endure it.

"Good..." Rory said, he looked at Aisling like he wanted to say something more, but then changed his mind. He leaned in quickly and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then nodded to me and walked back into the house. Aisling gaped after him and sat down slowly, her mind in a daze. I couldn't help but smile in amusement; she totally hadn't seen that coming.

The poor girl was more clueless than I was.


Mouki out~

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