I ran up the stairs to my room. My room was next to Izbel down the left hallway and my parents and the guest bedroom was down to the right. I needed to do homework and call Dominic. I had to tell him about Caleb and my parent’s reaction to him, he needed to know about the things my parents said.
I jumped in my canopy baby blue bed and called Dominic. After I called him and told him what happened, I decided to do homework. I hated having to do homework, like most 17 year old teenagers. What I really hated was the fact that in class I could do the work fine, but when I got home everything was lost to me. I had a blank head, well not completely. Dezmine filled my head like a hot air balloon. Those eyes were so gorgeous, and that black long shiny hair, I could play in it forever.
I struggled to keep Dezmine out of my head while I finished my homework; it was getting late, almost 10. I think all teachers plan to give students as much homework as possible to keep them inside the house, to keep them doing work until late. I was done so I went to take a shower. I let the hot water run on me for a while before I actually started to shower, by the time I got out, the clock behind the door read 10:26. I dressed in a black robe with red kissy lips on both sides and walked out of the bathroom. I started to pass Izbel’s bedroom door when I heard hushed voices. I didn’t want to be nosy, but I could already hear what they were saying a little anyway. I thought about that for a few seconds, if I could hear them even if I wasn’t trying to hear them, is it still considered as eavesdropping…take that as a no. I put my ear as close to the door without actually touching it. Didn’t want whoever was in there to open the door and the same thing that happened downstairs earlier, to happen to me again.
“We can only hold everyone down for a little while. This is really stupid, and may I add a really bad idea,” a strong manly voice said.
“It will be okay if you do what you need to do, they can all get away, no harm no foul,” this coming from a high pitch girl voice. I knew it wasn’t Izbel; there was another female in Izbel’s room.
“Listen no one will know we are out there if you hold everyone off, we can be in and out,” Izbel said. I quickly said a small prayer; Izbel wouldn’t be stupid enough to rob a bank or something like that.
“What do you want, an hour, because anything other than that I don’t know if that is possible Izbel,” said the voice of a guy.
“Also, what if someone gets caught? Not only is your little human friends going to get torn apart if they get caught, but all the wolves are going to be in deep shit,” another manly voice said. This guy sounded like he was getting upset.
“Well let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.” Izbel said.
“We are not alone,” said a man. After I heard that I quickly jumped back, it a second for me to realize he might have been talking about me. I must have jumped back very quickly because by the time the white door with green stripes swung open. I had my back against the wall; I knew my face gave everything away. Twice in one day, I get caught eavesdropping. This was not good. Standing in the doorway was a sexy, really tall guy. He looked sexy and mean at the same time. His stern glare looked straight through me, a shiver went through me.
“Eavesdropping is not the best action to do around us,” growled the guy. I really thought that I heard a growl escape his mouth. He looked hot, but at the same time he looked very dangerous.
“Yeah, you might find out some things you don’t want to know,” a girl crooned. She was like a pixel. She wore her bronze hair short; at the tips she dyed them black. Her perfect glossy pink lips made her pale hazel eyes shine brighter. She was a beautiful tooth pick; short and skinny.
“What are you doing,” Izbel crooned. “Get in here.” Izbel took my arm and started to drag me in the room like I was a child about to get scolded for putting their hands in the chocolate chip cookie jar. As I was being drugged into the room, a shiver went down my back as I passed the guy at the door, again he seemed dangerous to me. Something told me to stay far away from him as possible.
“Skie, these are The Twins, Trenton and Brenton, this small fry is Morgan, and that mean looking guy is Malachi. Everyone this is Skie, my sister,” Izbel introduced.
Trenton and Brenton, The Twins, were identical, they were about 6 foot 7 inches, long black hair that went down their back, and their eyes were piercing dark blue hazel. The only way to tell them apart, other than their clothes, was Trenton’s huge smile. It was as if he was laughing about something I did not know; his eyes shone with laughter. Then there was the other twin, Brenton, he was hot, just like his brother. It was like good cop vs. bad cop. I was guessing Brenton was the bad cop. I didn’t feel like I should stay away from him like I felt with Malachi, but I could tell he was dangerous. I could also see that Brenton had more muscles then his brother. Brenton’s muscles were about to pop out of his shirt.
“Hey.” The Twins stated together at the same time.
“Heard anything you weren’t supposed to hear, Skie.” Malachi growled.
“I don’t know, what was it that I wasn’t supposed to hear,” I said, he said it in such a mean way, I couldn’t, but be a little offended. It was either say something slick or get aggravated; I decided to say something slick.
“Nothing, but they have to go,” My sister crooned as she started to push her hands in a scooping position, as if she was scooping them out the door “see you guys later.”
I might not get the chance to write on this story again after today. Though I wish I could have read what you all thought of my story, whether it was okay or very interesting, I never got to hear your comments. Anyway, if I do get to add more chapters to this story then it will be a miracle, but sometimes miracles don’t come true, but keep a look out for more chapters, if I see some comments that inspire me to write more, then I might make the time, but maybe my story isn’t very good. Until next time, BYE.

Being a Werewolf
WerewolfSkie Mohondaz didn't know that her life was about to change for the better and worse. Dezmin Donovan, walked into her life just as another man. She knew neither one, but her destiny will intertwine with them both. New life will rise and others will...