I Kicked A Vampire - Part 3

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Chapter 3:

Before Bailey can answer, the door swings open and the blonde boy from school walks in.

"Aha! I KNEW you'd taken her! I knew it!"

Bailey rolls his eyes and throws a pillow at his head, "Shut up Adrian!" he hisses, shifting on the bed so he's in front of me, his hand pushes me backwards and I let out a hurt cry as my stomach stings again.

Adrian is glaring at Bailey, "God, you can't just take girls off the street!"

"Aww...but look at her!"

Adrian does look at me briefly before going back to yell at Bailey, "Okay, I looked at her. It still doesn't mean you can STEAL people!"

"Uh I think it does considering I just did." Bailey exclaims nonchalantly as he reaches behind him.

I watch his hand warily, I don't like that hand...who knows what it's done to me while I've been unconscious.

"Oh quit it Bailey! Now give her here! You are NOT qualified to look after humans!"

Glancing up Adrian, my frown deepens, "There's that 'human' word again! What the hell is going on?!" I swing my feet over the side of the bed and stand up before either of them can stop me, "Why aren't I at the hospital? Where are my family?!"

Adrian steps forwards and I see the open door and plan to make my escape.

Clutching my stomach protectively, I sprint straight past a very startled looking Adrian and out the bedroom door.

I practically fly around corners and down corridor upon corridor with a hysterical shriek that echoes around me.

That is...until that door opens.

I crash into it, ricocheting into floor, I can see blood seeping through quicker now and I let out a frustrated 'urgh'.

"Here, let me help you."

Peering up, I see a guy who looks somewhat like Adrian and Bailey, pale skin and dark eyes, but this guy has platinum blonde hair, offering me his hand.

Taking it, he pulls me to my feet and into his chest.

I attempt to take a step backwards, my cheeks growing pink, but he doesn't let go.

"Who're you?" he enquires, "Are you appointment 21?"

I merely nod my head, unable to do much else and he chuckles, "Well I don't know why they'd send an injured girl unless...perhaps they're trying to get back on my good side."

A small squeak escapes my lips as he drags me into the room behind him and closes the door.

Before I can react, his lips are on mine as he crushes me into the wall. I clamp my mouth shut, "Get off me!" I shriek.

The guy chuckles and grabs me, spinning me around and pushing me back onto the bed, "Ooh feisty. They're finally learnt what I want!" he grins as he moves over me.

He places kisses over my collarbone and up my throat, ignoring my struggling as his lips move over my own yet again.

His tongue pushes through my lips and into my mouth and I let out a squeak of fear before biting down on his tongue.

My mystery...rapist we shall call him for now, lets out a scream and jumps away from me, glaring at me, "BITCH!"

My eyes widen as he pounces on me, "I LOVE IT!" he chuckles as he sucks on my neck, "Keep going baby! I'm gonna have to get you back tomorrow. I have a new favourite."

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