I Kicked A Vampire - Part 17

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Chapter 17:


I don't believe it. It's been three days and there has been no sign of her body. To make matter's worse, my parents are passing it off as a...well I have no idea what the hell they're passing it off as! All I know is that they are refusing to acknowledge the fact that the body of their dead daughter has gone missing as a bad thing! It's almost as if they simply don't care!

But I care.

Glancing up from my place on her bed (I locked myself in her room after I kicked Mikhaila and dad out), I stare at Allie's desk. It hasn't been touched since she died so it's still messy, like a tornado hit it.

Standing up, I wander over to it and sit down at her chair, spinning around slowly as I do so.

Stopping, I pick up her diary and open the clasp. I gave her the diary for her eight birthday, she hasn't really used it except when I make special mention of it and she feels bad.

The first seven pages go over about five years of her life. Three entries around her eigth birthday and the rest over the next five years or so. They contain the usual stuff.

~Dear Diary,

I'm writing in you because Matty asked me if I used you and...well I don't really. One of these days I'll have to get around to using you all the time. You're so pretty it's a shame to let you go to waste.~

And so on, so forth.

I read through it, observing how her writing style changed over the years, smiling when she makes comments about me or her friends.

When I get to the page after that last entry in 2006, I find a new entry for 2009. It's from the day we got her back after the kidnapping.

~Dear Diary,

I really need to tell someone about what happened. Mom and dad don't believe me when I say that they didn't hurt me...Matt...well he just wouldn't understand.

Bailey and Victoria...to be honest...I kind of miss them. They weren't horrible, they helped me and took care of me. I almost wish I could get away from this place now. Everything has changed since I've come back, my friends have accepted me back, but I can see beneath their happiness. They think I've changed. I probably have.

I'll write in you soon, Allie~

The next page was written a few days later.

~Dear Diary,

I feel like I'm being watched or something. I hate it here so much. The only good thing about this place is Mattybear. He looks after me, he's the only one who's treating me normally.


Pages and pages of how she's feeling. Sometimes there are more than one entry a day, there can be up to three or four.

Then I find one that makes me feel sick.

~Dear Diary,

I've done something bad...~

That's it. That's all that's written on the page.

I flick past it, hoping to find more information of what she's done wrong, but it's the last page that's been written in.

My stomach is churning as I break down.

Spinning around, the diary leaves my fingers and hits the wardrobe door with a thud.

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