I Kicked A Vampire - Part 19

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Chapter 19:


Two weeks. Two damned weeks of bed rest and I'm still not healed and Bailey STILL is not back. Although I must admit the company hasn't been too terrible.

I've really learnt stuff about Allie.

She's exactly what Bailey doesn't deserve. She's sweet and caring, intelligent, pretty (in the sense that she's not beautiful, but her personality mixed with her reasonably average, but cute looks, makes her pretty? Make sense?) she's stubborn, wont shut up and is...over all...absolutely wonderful and I hate it. Considering I'm engaged to the now 'princess of the Underworld' it's not particularly a great thing to say to a bunch of stronger, angrier vampires. "Uh yes. Esmeralda, your highness, are a very lovely young woman. But I love a human because she's overall a better person than yourself."

It just doesn't work.

Not that I love her or anything. No, no, no...see. I've worked it out.

I want to hurt Bailey for turning his back on us in our time of need. I am not forgiving like my older brother Lyle, I want revenge. I want to break him worse than any physical pain would so I'm going to hit him where it hurts. I'm going to go after Allie.

It shouldn't be hard. A handsome blonde vampire...oh sorry, human, such as myself, dashing good looks, charming personality, It'll be a cinch getting her to fall for me.

"Hey Adry." Her soft voice pipes up as she wanders in.

I think the best way to do this is to be very forward.

"Hey sweetheart." I grin at her.

She sets the tray down beside my bed and sits down by my legs, "How's my favorite patient going?"

I shrug, "It's going...alright. It's better now you're here." Cheesy, I know. But chicks eat the romantic crap up.

She blushes, "Aww. You're so sweet." See?

"So what's my favorite nurse doing?"

She sighs, "The usual. Waiting for Bailey." She explains as she undoes the bandage slowly, checking the wound before going about fixing it up.

Wincing slightly, I frown. It's weird. I've never been human before so not having the constant craving for human blood, the heightened sense of smell, the immunity to illness and the non-able to be hurt-ness...it's all new and strange.

"Alright. You're done." She exclaims as she moves to stand up.

Reaching out, I grasp her wrist tightly and pull her down as I twist around, pinning her to the mattress, "Honestly Allie, you go around doing all this stuff for me and I haven't had the chance to pay you back."

She doesn't struggle, she merely peers up into my eyes with a slightly worried expression, "I uh. I really don't mind though. It's all I can do to repay Bailey for protecting my family and me."

I laugh quietly as lean in closer to her, "I insist."

"No...seriously it's fi-"

Pressing my lips against her throat, I smirk as I place light kisses up until I reach her lips, "I've noticed something."

She giggles slightly, "What?" she enquires as she touches my hair.


Should I be feeling guilty? It's not as if I'm betraying Bailey...after all. He is only a friend and he hasn't shown real interest in me, unlike Adrian. Adrian...he's so...so cool. Cool. I sound like a ditsy teenager when I say that. Wait. I AM a ditsy teenager, but that's not the point.

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