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I couldn't stop laughing and pushing him away from me.

"Marcel," I say breathlessly as I laugh. "Stop!" I continue to laugh. He joins in and continues to tickle me. The curtain to my hospital room was pulled back, causing us to abruptly stop and watch as the doctor walks in.

"Well you seem to be feeling much better." He smiles and writes something on his clipboard. 

"I'm feeling much better." I tell him.

"That's great. I actually have a few questions, then I'll leave you two alone." He says while pulling up a chair. I nod and focus my attention on him.

"Okay, was there anything scary going on before you had the heart attack?"

"Mm," I look at Marcel and shake my head no. "Nope, nothing scary."

"Were you nervous about something?" He asks, continuing to write things down.

"Yes, actually."


"I was caught staring and I started to panic." I say quietly, embarrassed. Marcel had a smirk on his face and I nudge him playfully.

"And what were you were staring at?" He asks out of, I assume, curiosity.

I scratch the top of my head and stare at my lap, not really wanting to answer. "Uh..." I clear my throat but don't say anything.

"Riley, you being overly nervous or anxious could have helped trigger this sudden heart attack." He tells me.

"But I'm always nervous and I've never had a heart attack from it." I defend myself and scoff at how stupid that sounds. A heart attack from being nervous? Please.

"True... but your mother informed me that your sugar intake is always high. Too much sugar can cause high blood pressure, which ultimately is what caused your heart attack. So we will be discussing a new diet as well. " He assures me.

"Okay.. I was watching Marcel change his shirt and he caught me staring. And I've never seen him change before so I was like, in shock. And when he caught me staring I began to panic." I finally admit, feeling my cheeks turn pink from the embarrassment. I can't believe I'm actually saying this shit out loud. I heard muffled chuckles coming from Marcel and I want to laugh with him because of how ridiculous this situation is, but then we would look like a couple of idiots. 

"Well there you go, Miss Bale. Not saying that you had a heart attack from looking at your shirtless boyfriend," He laughs lightly. "but that your anxiety mixed with a high blood pressure can end badly if your blood pressure is high enough." He explains. I need to lay off the sugar. "With that being said, you need to eat more fruit and cut back on the candy and sweets. We don't want another incident like this."

"Thank you." I say, embarrassment clear in my voice as I fiddle with my fingers.

"You're welcome. We'll keep you one more night and tomorrow, depending on how you're feeling we'll discharge you." He assures me with a nod before leaving Marcel and I alone.

"Ha! No school for me." I tease Marcel. "You have to go to school, I don't." I laugh immaturely.

"No I don't. I'll be staying here with you, making sure you're ok-"

His phone cuts him off when it rings and I assume it's Anne. When he pulls his phone out, he shows me who is calling and I was right. She's probably worried sick, wondering why he never came home after school.

He exits the room to answer it so I lay there quietly, picking at my nails. About ten minutes later, Marcel walks back in.

"I told my mom about your little incident and I explained everything the doctor told us. First, she's allowing me to stay with you tonight and tomorrow. Second, she's coming up to the hospital." He whispers as he leans beside me, brushing my bangs back with his thumbs and staring into my eyes. That's sweet of her to come up here to see me.

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