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Authors Note: 15.1K AHHH thank you guys! Enjoy this chapter!

Riley's POV•

After sitting with Marcel, Brittany, and Austin, filling them in on everything, we decide that it's time for Brittany to meet Marcel's mom. Brittany and I are walking side by side while Marcel and Austin walk in front of us, talking about whatever they're talking about.

"He's British!" She whispers again, still in shock. 

I smile and nod, "I know, Britt. You should hear him say certain words. It's so cute." I whisper back. 

We make our way downstairs and to the kitchen where Anne is cooking dinner. Each of us sit on a stool at the island and watch her. I, of course sit beside Marcel and just him being next to me makes my heart flutter like a butterfly. He places his hand on my thigh and I look at him.

"Hey guys." Anne's voice is always so sweet and chirpy.

"Anne, this is my cousin Brittany and her boyfriend Austin." I explain, pointing to them. While they introduce themselves, Marcel begins twirling my hair. I sit there silently and feel slight tugs at my hair.

"Jesus, are you trying to pull my hair out?" I ask and he chuckles before whispering in my ear, 

"Nah, I only try that when we fuck."

I sit up straight at his words, eyeing the three people in front of us to be sure that they didn't hear what he said. I bite my lip and close my eyes, blushing at the thought of our little activities from this morning. He stops playing with my hair and I open my eyes just as Layla, Ashley and Natasha enter the kitchen, looking at Brittany and Austin oddly. 

"Aunt Layla, Ashley," Marcel begins. "this is Brittany, Riley's cousin and that's Austin, Brittany's boyfriend." He introduces them and they smile at each other. I find it funny that no one introduced Natasha.

"Who are you?" Brittany asks Natasha politely after introducing herself to Marcel's family. Natasha scoffs at her before walking out of the kitchen, Ashley following behind like a lost puppy. "Well then.." Brittany mumbled to her self. 

I force a smile and look at Marcel. "I'll be right back." I whisper before placing a kiss at the corner of his lips and sliding off of the stool. I grab Brittany's arm and run to the staircase, pushing her up the stairs quickly.

"Wanna tell me what you're doing?" She asks before I shove her into my bedroom. I shut the door and lean against it, letting out a deep sigh.

"I'm going to murder that girl." I say and she looks at me in confusion. 


"The girl that was with Ashley. You know, the one who didn't introduce herself. Her name is Natasha and she's so disrespectful." I plop myself on my bed and Brittany does the same. 

"How though?" She looks at me cautiously. I let out a sigh and begin to tell her everything that has happened today. When I was done telling her, her jaw was dropped and her eyes wide open.

"What? Do I need to snap a bitch's neck?" She asks in the most serious tone. Brittany is not a lover, she's a fighter. I'd never wanna be on her bad side. 

"No, they are leaving tomorrow. I think I can hold off. But I've never even met the girl so I don't know why she's being like that towards me, you know?" I run my fingers through my hair, a nervous habit I've picked up.

"Dude, Ri.. Don't let a bitch mess with you and your man like that. She's a little too comfortable, don't you think?" She sits up with me. 

I shrug my shoulders and look around my room. "Well they are staying the night, and tonight is movie night with Marcel. No doubt they are going to join us. Can't you stay for the night? Please Britt? It would mean so much if you did. We can put Natasha in check if we need to." I laugh. 

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