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Authors Note: This is the 20th chapter so it will be long! Guys, pleeeease don't forget to vote! /:


I slowly open my eyes and rub them. It's still a little dark out so I check the time. 5:16 am. Eh, may as well get up and get ready for school.

I decide to see if Marcel is awake, so I quietly and slowly walk to his room. When I slowly open his door, his bed is empty and I hear his shower running. There's faint singing and I slowly walk over to the door and open it quietly.

"On the days I can't see your eyes, I don't even want to open mine. On the days I can't see your smile, well I'd rather sit and wait the while for the days I know you'll be near, cause a day without you just isn't fair. See, the days I can hear your voice, I'm left without a choice." He sang softly. I sat on the bathroom counter and listen.

"Plus I get weak in the knees, fall head over heals baby, and every other cheesy cliche. Yes, I'm swept off my feet, oh my heart skips a beat. But there's really only one thing to say.. God damn you're beautiful to me. You're everything that's beautiful, yes to me."

I bite my lip when butterflies fill my stomach and I listen to his amazing singing.

"You know babe," I speak up and he goes completely silent. "you could sing to me some time." I smile just as he sticks his head out of the shower to look at me. 

"Jesus Riley. You scared the shit out of me." He breathes as his wet curls fall into his face. I shrug my shoulders and smirk at him.

"Sorry." I look down at my twiddling fingers. "But you're amazing." I compliment him and he thanks me.

"You should go get a shower. We're both up pretty early so we have some time to spare. We can grab something for breakfast. Your choice." He gives me a quick wink before pulling the shower curtain over to cover himself. 

"McDonalds!" I shout and jump off the counter. I hear him chuckle when I walk out of the bathroom and walk to the hallway, only to run into Anne.

"Oh, darling." She placed her hand over her heart. "You scared me half to death." She says breathlessly then glares at me. "Did you sleep together last night?"

I quickly nod my head no, "Of course not! You said not to and I would never disrespect you or your rules. I just came to see if he was awake. He's in the shower, and no. I did not see anything." I laugh and she smiles.

"Okay good. Well I'm heading to work. You have a good day at school." She says while walking down the stairs. I walk into my bedroom and grab a pair of black sweats that say 'PRINCESS' in bold pink letters on the bottom part and a tight black long sleeved shirt. I grab underwear and a bra then scurry off to the bathroom.

After my shower, I quickly dry my hair then throw it into a messy bun. After getting dressed I walk back into my room and put on hot pink socks then my grey moccasins. When I look at the time, it's only 5:47. Perfect. After all the shit I've gone through this week, I don't even bother dressing decently for school. Everyone is going to have to deal with the fact that Riley Bale dressed like a bum today.

I spray on a watermelon mint fragrance and run to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I grab my black Ed Sheeran hoodie from my suitcase and throw it over my head. I grab my book bag then walk to Marcel's room, thankful that he is just now buttoning his skinny jeans. I plop down onto his bed and he watches me. I widen my eyes and I sit up.

"New hair style?" I ask, signaling to the front of his hair being pushed up into sort of a quiff. He nods and smiles at me while putting on his white converse.

"Okay, who are you, and where's Marcel?" I ask with a small chuckle. He runs over and jumps on the bed, letting out a sigh. 

"Uh, I'm right here." He dimples appear when he grins at me.

"Jeez. You smell like heaven!" I latch onto him and smell his Rolling Stones t-shirt. He laughs and pushes me off of him.

"Well you smell like watermelon."

"Watermelon mint!" I correct him, earning a smile.

"Okay miss smarty pants. Lets go." He sits up and pulls me up with him. We decided that I was going to drive to and from school with him from now on.

After we sit comfortably in his car, he quickly starts it and pulls out of the driveway. His arm was resting on the center consul as he uses one hand to drive. I take hold of his free hand, our fingers immediately intertwining. I smile when he sets our hands in my lap. I watch him while he drives and it was cute how hard he concentrated on the road. His jawline is sharp, his lips pink and plump, his hand tight around the steering wheel, causing his knuckles to turn white. I smile when he narrows his eyebrows in concentration and clears his throat. He doesn't even know I'm staring at him.

"You're beautiful." I whisper before I could stop myself. He quickly turns his head and chuckles quietly.

"So are you." He looks back at the road.

After we got our breakfast from McDonalds, we sit in the parking lot to eat and talk. I take a sip of my frappe and turn in my seat, now sitting Indian style. He eats his hash brown and looks at me.

"What do you think people will say about us at school?" I ask, taking another sip of my drink. He shrugs his shoulders and crumbles his trash into a ball before throwing it into the McDonalds bag.

"I'm not sure but I don't care. At the end of the day, I love you and you love me. That's all that matters, right?" He asks. I nod my head and smile. 

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