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I giggle uncontrollably while looking up at him, my head placed in his lap as I lie on the couch. I bite my lip to control my giggles and he smiles at me.

"You're even more beautiful when you smile, you know." His voice is soft and he pushes my bangs out of my face. I shake my head no. He nods and plays with my lips, pushing the corners up with his fingers. "Smile for me!" He shouts playfully. I chuckle and can't help but smile. "There it is." He teases. I roll my eyes and smack his hands away.

"You know, you're scary." I sit up and climb on his lap. He looks at me confused and I intertwine my own fingers together and sit up straight.

"When we have sex." I mock someone with proper grammar and posture, blinking my eyes rapidly. 

"Woah, stop doing that. You're going to break your eyes." He holds onto my head. I burst into laughter then slide off of his lap and onto the carpeted floor. I hold my stomach and laugh hysterically, tears stinging the brim of my eyes. I stop for a second and look up at him but immediately start laughing again.

"You're so stupid!" I shout, continuing to laugh. I'm thinking I may be just a tad bit sleep deprived.

"How?" He knits his eyebrows at me and crawls onto the floor beside me. "How am I stupid?" He has the cutest smirk on his face.

"You're going to break your eyes? Really? How do you break your eyes?" I laugh even harder. He nudged me and pushed his feet on my side, pushing me away from him. I grab onto his leg and pull it with all my strength as I stand up. I drag him around the living room and he begins kicking his feet. "Stop!" I laugh. "Stop or I'll make this hurt, you fucker." I pull his leg harder and he grabs onto the carpet.

"Babe! Babe stop!" He screams. "You're giving me rug burn!" His laughter fills my ears and I stop, immediately jumping on top of him and on his lap. "You're so evil." He groans and pushes me off of him. 

"I'm actually a princess. Did you forget?" I ask, sitting beside him. His arm snakes around my waist, pulling me to lay on top of him. 

"You'll always be my princess, Riley." He whispers, grabbing hold of my hands and intertwining our fingers together. I sat thinking for a few seconds and when an idea comes to mind, I bounce in excitement, causing him to groan loudly.

"My dick! My dick!" He slides me off of him and grabs his self. I cover my mouth and hold in my giggles. 

"I'm sorry but I just got an idea." I tell him.

He sits up slowly, rubbing where I had just hurt him. "And what might that idea be?"

"Dress the way you used to. Like, the old Marcel." I smile and my stomach turns in excitement. 

His eyes widen in horror and he shakes his head. 

"Absolutely not. Absolutely not." He repeats, standing up from his position on the floor. I frown and grab onto his hand before he can walk away from me.

"Oh come on, please?" I whine. 

He looks down at me and I can tell he's debating on whether he should or not. After staring at each other for a good minute now, he finally lets out a sigh, giving in. "Fine. But only for a little bit." He walks toward the staircase and gives me a look of irritation before walking up the steps.

The thought of seeing Marcel's signature look brings goosebumps to the surface of my skin. Throughout the past few months he has gained so much courage and has made some serious changes; one of them being his wardrobe. I love his new look. It's incredibly sexy but I fell in love with your typical nerd. Bulky glasses, hair slicked back, khaki pants, sweater vests, suspenders. The whole damn thing. I'm excited to see the old Marcel.

After waiting about ten minutes or so, I feel my eyelids become heavier with each second that passes. When I decide to close them for a few seconds, I can't stop myself from drifting into a light sleep.

"Riley... Riley, wake up."

My eyes flutter open, taking a second to adjust. Once they have, I take in the sight of Marcel leaning close to my face. The old Marcel. I can't stop myself when my arms fly around his neck, pulling him into the tightest hug.

"Oh my god," I cherish every second of this. "I miss you, Marcel." I tell him as I keep him in my death grip." 

"Riley, I'm right here." He chuckles but pulls back to look at me worriedly, the way he used to in math class whenever Zayn would harass me. The memory nearly brings tears to my eyes. "Ri, why are you crying?"

"I miss the old you. The old you with the glasses, button up shirts, dress pants, fucking sweater vests." I laugh lightly when I let go of him. "Your cute high pitched voice. I love the new you for sure, but I definitely miss the way you looked when I fell in love with you. You're just different now." I tell him honestly.

"How am I different?" He asks, looking slightly offended.

"The old Marcel was always so nervous around me... now you say whatever comes to mind." I say, staring up at him in amazement. His hair is slicked back, his glasses are bulkier than ever, his vest is soft and smells of Tide detergent. I miss this so much, and I didn't realize how much I missed it until now. But I'd never change the way Marcel looks, no matter if he dresses geeky or like a fucking gorgeous God.

He gives me a small smile and sits up. "You miss my high pitched voice?" He asks, talking the way he used to and it causes both of us to laugh but I still nod. "You don't think I'm nervous around you anymore?" He fiddles with his long fingers.

"No." I respond quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Jesus Riley, I'm always nervous around you." He whispers and shakes his head. He takes his glasses off and runs his hands over his face, letting out a sigh. "Riley, the new Marcel just... It's like a representation of who I've become, who I really am. These khaki dress pants and vests are because my mom dressed me this way growing up and I grew accustomed to it and felt comfortable in it. I always liked to feel clean and neat, I always wanted everything in order." He chuckled. "But being with you has taught me not to take life as serious as I was. I'm sorry you don't like my new look." 

I sit beside him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'll love you no matter what you look like Marcel." I whisper and he takes my hand in his, running his thumb over the top of my hand slowly, back and forth.

"I love you... and I just don't understand why you love me back. I'm not like the type of guys you would usually go after."

"I love you because you're you. Sure, I love your old style, but I don't love you for the way you dress. I love you for the way you never treated me like these other guys have. You've always respected me and always took the time out of your day to tell me when I looked pretty in class, or to ask if I needed help on a homework assignment. You never overstepped any boundaries and you were always so sweet. Always." I tell him truthfully. "I love you because you're an amazing human being, Marcel. You make me want to be good." 

"You looked pretty everyday, I just didn't want you to be creeped out if I told you that everyday," He laughed. "and you deserve to be treated like a woman. Nothing less."

"You make it so hard not to fall more in love with you." I smile, turning my head to look at my boyfriend.

"If we were to have kids, they'd have green eyes with curly brown hair." He whispers, leaning in slowly, very very slowly. The memory of Marcel sitting in front of me in class, talking about what our kids would look like pops into my head and my heart flutters.

"So should we have kids? I think they'd be beautiful." I say softly, our lips getting closer and closer. 

"Mhm." He hums before laying his lips upon mine, slowly moving together as he places his large hand on the back of my head. I force a smile into the kiss and he does the same. I pull away and suck my lips in, trying to hide my smirk.

"What?" He asks, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I never had the chance to kiss you when you were like this. I feel like I should have though, because this was the start of everything." I whisper, bringing my fingers up to his swollen plump lips. "I always thought you were cute, Marcel. I just never brought myself to admit it. I've always felt like you were meant to be in my life." The smile on my face feels permanent.

"I don't know what it is about you. Riley, you're different. I've met many girls, but none like you. And it's not the fact that you're the only one that liked me." He laughs. "You're impossible to explain."

I laugh softly at his remark and I shake my head. "Well, promise me that you will never hurt me like most guys have, and we'll always be together." I hold out my pinky and he wastes no time locking it with mine.

"I promise I will never hurt you, Riley. As long as you don't hurt me." He smiles. "And we'll always be together." He whispers before leaning in and placing a kiss on the top of my head. I smile at the gesture and pull my pinky away from his before standing up.

"Come on, lets go to bed." I take his hand in mine, pulling me off of the couch before we make our way upstairs to his bedroom.

Authors Note: I'm sorry! I have such bad writers block today.

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