Ch 1: Something's Wrong

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That's the black dress Dina wears to the club ;)


I look in my closet for a dress to wear. "Hmmmm...." One of my new dresses catches my eyes the most and I smile excitedly.

I look at my dress from arm distance and sigh in relief and in awe. This dress is awesome. I take my robe off and slide the dress on. I walk to my long mirror and look at myself. It's black, making my violet eyes pop out, and tight to my skin. It's has lace for sleeves, and it making all my curves look perfect. It's beautiful and simple. My style. And it makes me look beautiful. I smile at myself with that thought. Usually, I'm not this confident, but with this dress, it's impossible not to feel beautiful in it.

I turn to my closet once again, and look for some high heels to go with my dress. I dig through all my shoe boxes and finally find it. They're tall, black, soft, and have a black rose on the toe. Putting those aside, I go to my restroom and put light makeup on, making me look natural. With my long brown hair already in curls, makeup on, and purse ready, I put my heels on and dig through my little purse to get my iPhone 6 out. I look through my contacts and find who I need to call. I press dial and wait.

"Yeah?" I hear my best friend say.

"Hey, I'm ready. You almost here?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm just pulling up. Come outside already," she says.

"Alright," I say and hang up. I make sure I have everything I need and look one last time at the mirror. I do look beautiful, and it's nice to finally say that to myself, because I almost never do.

I lock the door behind me, go down stairs, and head to the front of my apartment. It's a cool night, stars out and no cloud in sight. I hear a honk and it's my best friend, parked across the street.

I cross the street and climb into her 2011 black Mustang. "Hey, Jenny," I say, putting my seatbelt on.

"Ready, Dina?" She tells me, smiling at me excitedly and looks at what I'm wearing. I look at what she's wearing and she's wearing a plain tight dark-blue dress and some jewelry, with blue eye shadow to go with it, making her grey eyes look darker, and her dark brown hair is curled. Even dressed so simple she looks beautiful and elegant, as always.

"Yeah, lets go," I say and we start to head towards the club.

When we get there, we pay for the parking and go inside. Before we even pass the doors, we can already hear the music blasting through the speakers. Our friends are already at a table, waiting for us. They see us and smile excitedly, motioning us with their hands to go the their table.

"Hey, guys," I scream so they can hear me through the loud music around us. I look around, the dance floor was packed and all the tables were full.

"Dina! You look beautiful!" Angel tells me. I smile a thank you to him. He's tall, but I reach a little past his shoulders with my high heels. He's always cheerful and childish. It's impossible not to smile when you're around him.

"It took you guys long enough!!" Jeremy says as he hugs Jenny, then me. When he hugs me, he slaps my ass.

"Hey!" I hiss as I pull away from our hug and smack his shoulder. I glare up at his hazel eyes. He chuckles and winks at me. I couldn't help but smile. Even though Jeremy is gay, I still don't like it when he touches me, or anybody. But i'll let it slide for tonight. He's a good friend, though he can be pretty handsy.

"Hey! I love you dress!" Ana says and she hugs both of us.

"You too!" I say as I pull away and wink at her. She's wearing a beautiful red dress that goes very low from her chest; her cleavage not shying away from attention. Ana's a very kind and energetic friend.

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