Ch 4: Where Are We Going?

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I got to sleep that night but it was frustrating. I kept waking up every 20 to 30 minutes, but to me it felt like every 30 seconds. I was annoyed, there was just too many things on my mind, and I kept moving around to try get comfortable. Then I would bump into something and realize it was Jenny and moved away a little to give her some room. She snores a little loud and she was past out from all the alcohol she had.

I finally gave up on falling asleep and think about everything that has happened, 'caused my minds itching about it. Well, after Lacyel zapped me back here or whatever, I went back to my car to get Jenny. But it turns out that the whole time I was gone, which felt like half an hour or something, here it was like less than 5 min. But I got scared, what if something happened to Jenny? What if someone got her? But I wasn't even gone for that long and Lacyel reassured me that she was well protected from any harm while we were gone, but still.

I sign. So marry Jesus, huh? I mean, Gabriel... Ugh, I don't even know what to call him. By Jesus or Gabriel? And this is so strange. So...random? I mean, why now? Why me? I came from a normal family, nothing special. I grew up here, in California, with 2 brothers and 1 sister. I'm the oldest. It me, my brothers, Adrian and Andrew (they're twins), then Abigail. Funny how all their names start with and 'A' and mine doesn't. My brothers are 19 and my little sister is 17, but she graduated from high school already. I've graduated, I was a more like a 'C' student, but I was fine with that. I'm in college and want to be a doctor. I want to help everyone as much as I can.

See? There isn't really anything special about me. Just ordinary? So why would they need me? Why can't they just do it themselves? And what if I say no to both of them? Maybe they'll marry themselves, I snort at that thought. Then another thought comes to me, where's the devi- I mean Lucifer? Doesn't he want me too? Wouldn't he have sent someone to get me too? To be honest though, I'm terrified to meet him. I mean, the devil himself? I'm not sure how I'll handle that.

I turn to my bed side to see the time. 4:27 am. Well, it's Sunday and I have no school or work today. Rolling out of bed, I go to the kitchen. I'm not a morning person so I always start my day with coffee. While that's making, I go to the restroom and see my hair's a mess. No surprise there. I'm too lazy to comb it so I just use the restroom, wash my hands, and go back to the kitchen. I hear the coffee making its magic and the smell welcomes me as I walk into the kitchen. I go to one of the cabinets and take out some Tylenol and fill up a cup of water. I walk back to my room to find Jenny still dead asleep. I place the Tylenol and the cup of water next to her for when she wakes up. I'm sure she's going to be groggy this morning.

I go back to the kitchen and get my coffee, go to my living room and sit on my very comfy couch. My living room is pretty big with a cream color in the walls and a soft brown rug, one long cream colored couch and a brown love seat next to it. A brown coffee table in the center on the living room and a hug old tv against the wall. This tv was my uncles and he gave it to me, it those old fat ones and the hight reaches up to my shoulders.

I inhale and take a sip of my creamy coffee. Getting more comfortable on this couch. What to do for today? Well, I guess i'll go grocery shopping. Finishing my coffee, I jump in the shower and wash all the memories from yesterday away. Maybe they'll leave me alone today? Yeah, I hope so. It's just too much pressure.

When I get out the shower, I dress into a loose blue T-shirt with a superman sign on it and some tight dark jeans and some black chucks. For jewelry, all I put on is my birth stone ring that I got as I gift for graduating high school. It's beautiful and simple. The ring has small diamonds around the circular stone on my right index finger and the stone is white with little sparks of the rainbow in it, it's the month of October. I don't put make up on 'cause it's annoying and I'm too lazy to put some on anyways. The only thing I do is curl my long eye lashes because mine are straight. I grab my keys and purse and make my way out the door, not even caring if I'm matching what I'm wearing or not. Because I wear cloths that are comfortable and simple, not something that's fashion or some killer heels. I guess I'm kind of a Tomboy but I do have my Girly moments.

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