Ch 10: Perspectives

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For those of you that have read my story so far and have been waiting for this chapter... I did a bunch of editing so I suggest you read the story all over again...Yeah, sorry, not sorry. Plus, I added some pictures of the characters in the first few chapter so check them out! Tell me what you think! I added more Drama to it. Yay.



I've been in my bed all day, just sitting there in silence. I didn't go to school today. How can I? I can't even think straight enough to shower properly. I used my shampoo as soap for my body and my soap as shampoo this morning. Also, I served myself cereal, then put the milk in the pantry and the cereal box in the fridge. Useless. I'm completely useless today. What happened last night, was just too much. Gabriel telling me I'm an angel, finding out lucifer tried to kill me; and that he killed my real parents. I close my eyes. Willing myself to think of something else, but I fail. I just can't.

So that's what I do all day. Just stay in my bed, just staring blankly at the wall in front of me.

I would have stayed that way the whole day, if it wasn't for Kem coming by to visit.

"What's up?" I ask after I let him in. He doesn't really come by my houses unless we all make plans to go somewhere and meet here first. I check the time. It's 2 pm.

"I was just stopping by. I wanted to make sure everything was okay," he says and his eyes look at my with worry.

"E-Everything is fine," I say and laugh nervously. I walk towards my kitchen and start to make some coffe. Kem follows.

"You don't look fine. You look like crap," he tells me straight up. Rude! He leans against the island in front of me.

"Uhh, I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that," I force myself to laugh. "You want some coffee?"


I give him a curious look. "How's everything?"

"Same old, same old." He says, giving me a weird look. "You?"

"I've been better," I say honestly and turn my attention back to the coffee maker, my back is now to Kem.

"Why do you say that?" He asks. But it didn't say it like a question.

"Just." I say and quickly go to my pantry. "You want some bread with your coffee?" I try to change the subject.

"No thanks," and he sighs, exasperated.

"Well I do. I haven't eaten anything," I say and take out some toast, place two on the counter and go to my fridge to get out some butter and strawberry jelly.

"Why is that?" He asks again, and again, it didn't sound like a question.

"I forgot." I simply say as I take out the butter knife. Now I'm standing in front of him, but I'm focused on spreading some butter, then jelly on my toasts. I can feel the tension between us. His gaze is drilling holes into my scull as I resist to look at him. A couple minutes pass by in silence. It's so quiet, that when my coffee maker dings to let me know it's ready, I pretty much jump out of my skin. Taking out some milk, sugar, and two spoons; I serve him and myself some coffee and he gives me a small thank you. Then, back to silence. It's starting to feel awkward because all you hear is me chewing my very crunchy, very loud, toast. I force myself not to laugh. 

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