2: New Beginings

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"Ma this is Reagan!" I said introducing the two. She hated when I called her by her government but I don't know who the fuck a Ronnie is. My mom smiled and held her hand out for Reagan to shake it. My mom was real cool but she didn't tolerate disrespect of any kind.

"So why did your mother kick you out?" She asked looking at Reagan trying to read her. She lowered her head and tried not to cry. I rubbed her back to let her know it would be alright. "I don't want to talk about it."

My mom took a step back and nodded her head. "Let me tell you something. I'm 45 years old and I'm hip, I already know. I'm not here to judge you. I know Simone likes girls. I've known since she was 14. If you're going to stay here you need to know that you will respect me and my house. That includes me, my daughter and everything else in it. The moment you disrespect any of those is the moment your ass goes to a homeless shelter. Simone has a job so I expect you to eventually get one too." Before my mom could finish Reagan interrupted her. "Shit! Excuse me" she said pulling her phone out and calling someone.

"James, hey it's me Ronnie. I'm sorry I'm late. I got into it with my mom and she kicked me out. I'll be there though."

With that she ended the call and ran upstairs. I followed behind her with a wondering expression on my face. "Where you going?" I asked. She was standing in her pink bra and panties. My mom stood at the door looking on. "Sorry I'm an hour late for work. I have to go." She was out of breath from rushing so much. I offered to drive her but she insisted on walking.


Once Reagan was gone I began to unpack her clothes and put them in the three drawers I don't use. My mom walked in and sat on my bed. "You really like this girl?" I blushed because I did. Reagan was popular, great at basketball and good looking so all the girls and guys wanted her. She wasn't the committing type so we were an uphill battle.

I shook my head yes and she smiled. "She's a really good person ma. I don't think you'll have any problems with her seriously." My mom smiled and patted me on the back. "When does she get off work?" I shrugged my shoulders because I didn't know honestly. "I'll text her to see." With that being said she walked out my room and went to hers closing the door. She was prob going to take a nap considering she just finished a shift at the hospital last night.

Now that I was finished unpacking Reagan's things I was beyond bored. I decided to text my best friend, Konner to comer over. Konner is also a senior. He's in the marching band and has a full ride to Bethune Cookman to play the drums. I'm so proud of him.

He texted me back almost immediately and said he would be right over. I went downstairs to wait for him and find something to eat. The fries I got from McDonald's was long gone.


When I got to work it was jumping and it was only late morning. I worked at the BJ's which happened to be right up the street from Simone's house. I quickly walked to my register and unlocked it. I didn't even have a chance to turn my light on before customers were rushing to my line.

"Bout time they opened some more lines. Big ass store with no help" one woman fussed. I mentally rolled my eyes and rung her up. She swiped her card and left in a hurry. I hated angry customers. They yelled and cursed like that made the situation better.

When I looked up to ring up the next person my body was flushed with anger. I couldn't believe she showed up at my job. Was she trying to get me fired? "Man what are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth. She smiled a fake smile and sat her items down. I scanned the few items bringing her total to $20.14. She laughed in my face as she tried to walk away without paying.

"You can't do that. You know you have to pay!" I said annoyed beyond belief. "You got it!" She said continuing to walk out the door. I ran from behind my register and stopped her. "Are you trying to get me fired? Are you trying to ruin my life?" I was damn near crying but I held it together because I didn't want her to see me at my weakest. She raised her hand and slapped me across my face making it sting. The door guy was standing in disbelief. He didn't know what to do so he called security on the radio. That meant I had less than a minute to beat her ass.

I wrapped my hands around her neck and squeezed as hard as I could. Right before she lost consciousness I let go allowing her to drop to her knees. I then punch her in the jaw causing her to fall to the ground completely. I proceeded to A-Town stomp her ass straight down to hell where she belonged but security had arrived. They picked me up as I kicked and screamed. Once I came to I noticed some of the customers recording the whole incident. Great, 6 o'clock news here I come! I thought to myself.

James came running from the back with a confused look on his face. "What's going on?" He asked looking at me then the security officer. He let me down and said "The door guy called us and when we showed up she was in full psycho mode."

"Psycho mode? You don't even know what happened. My mother kicked me out her house for being gay then she shows up at my job and tries to steal from YOUR dumb ass then she slaps me in the face so excuse me for defending myself."

"What you want me to do with her?" The security guard asked. I looked at him as if he had bumped his fuckin head. "Do with me? How bout you go lock that crazy woman up for trying to steal." James nodded his head and he walked back to the front of the store.

"Let me drive you home" James offered. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my stuff out my locker. I was beyond pissed and the fact that I had to beat my own mama ass was beyond me. I got in and buckled up. "Where to?" James asked.

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