16: State Playoffs

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It's the night of State Playoffs and I'm unbelievably nervous. My palms keep sweating and my forehead is dripping sweat. I kept drinking water and going to the bathroom over and over again. India tried to calm me down, but nothing was working. She walked over to the crew woman and whispered something in her ear. She came back and sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"Bruh you gotta calm down. If you're nervous everyone else will be nervous."

I nodded my head and tried to breath in and out slowly, decreasing my heart rate. My leg was shaking and my hands were still sweating. I just closed my eyes and said a prayer. Halfway through I felt someone kneel down in front of me and hold my hands. I opened my eyes to Ayesha Curry smiling that gorgeous smile she has.

"Do you mind if I say a quick prayer with you?" I shook my head no and closed my eyes.

"Dear God, I come to you tonight to thank you. Thank you for giving us life and health. Strength and courage. Lord I ask that you watch over this entire team. Guide them and lead them to a victory. Help calm their nerves and realize that it's just a game. We play for fun and nothing else--"

One of the freshman cut her off and said "Well...we playing for a trophy tonight. It ain't just for fun to be honest."

Everyone in the room turned and looked at her. If looks could kill she would be dead. Six feet under y'all. She lowered her head and said "I'm sorry. Carry on." Ayesha laughed and bowed her head.


She smiled, gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "No matter what happens always give thanks to God." I nodded my head and prepared for this last game of my season. India patted me on the back and nodded. I nodded back and got turnt up. I was ready more than ever. Ayesha helped a lot.

4th Quarter

It's 2:05 left in the 4th quarter and the score is tied at 90. We had the ball and India had the hot hand. I brought the ball up the court and called for isolation. Everyone moved to the left side of the court. I did an in and out cross over and made the girl stumble. Tierra's man left her picked me up. I did a quick spin move and made her fall to the floor. Everyone Ooo'd and Ahh'd which made me mentally smile. I put in the lay up over their 6'5 center and got fouled.

"One shot" the ref said. He tossed me the ball. I spun it, dribbled it and put the shot up. Swish. The crowd went crazy. I now had 30 points and the clock read 1:58.

The other coach took a time out leaving him with one. We ran over to the huddle exhausted as hell. I looked up at Steph, Ayesha, Klay and their families. Maya Moore was there too. I guess she still had hope that I would pick UCONN but I wasn't sure about a school that big.

"Alright. We have a little over one minute left. Okay good aggressive defense without fouling." We shook our heads and ended the huddle with FINISH.

"Aye bruh, just cause I'm hot doesn't mean you have to get me the ball. Whoever is open pass it."

India patted me on the butt and set up on defense. She had that look on her face that let me know she wasn't worried about scoring the final point or being MVP of the tournament. She wanted to win.

The opposing point guard brought the ball up and crossed over so hard my feet got tangled together. As she dribbled by she said "paybacks a bitch ain't it?" She drove to the basket, did a euro step and went up for the lay up. She thought she had two points until I pinned her shit on the backboard. The crowd went crazy. I grabbed the rebound and looked to see if anyone had leaked up court. Since no one did I decided to take my time.

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